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Let’s Try


A Coloring Book That Holds the Heart of a Poet






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Flower, Stay Like That for a Long Time
- Written by Na Tae-Joo, published by Dreamseller Publishing


A Coloring Book That Holds the Heart of a Poet


A book that offers a break from hectic life
and displays a love of poetry and flowers


What are some of the things that give you a break from your busy and challenging day-to-day life? We sometimes get comfort and empathy from unexpected things, like a flower on a walk, a good article you read by chance in a book, and a great painting you saw at an exhibition. In this issue, we would like to introduce you to a book that combines all of these things into one. “It takes a close look / to find its beauty.” It is a coloring book, Flower, Stay Like That for a Long Time, by “Grass Flower Poet” Na Tae-Joo, who wrote poems that very familiar to Koreans.
Poet Na Tae-Joo is beloved by many readers for his emotional and heartfelt verses. You might find it unusual to see a coloring book by a poet, but he has long been capturing the beauty of flowers not only in his poems, but also in his drawings! The book Flower, Stay Like That for a Long Time is a coloring book featuring 39 flower drawings by the poet himself, along with his beautiful verses. “Drawing is one of my other ways of writing poetry,” says Na Tae-Joo - so why not immerse yourself in the beauty of poetry, drawings, and flowers with this book and enjoy a moment of comfort and relaxation?


A Coloring Book That Holds the Heart of a Poet

A Coloring Book That Holds the Heart of a Poet



Event Ended


* Event Period: Until November 3, 2024 (winners will be contacted individually)
* Winners of the draw will be presented with the book Flower, Stay Like That for a Long Time

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