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Layers of Korean Beauty




한국미의 레이어 카드뉴스 이미지1


한국미의 레이어 카드뉴스 이미지2


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한국미의 레이어 카드뉴스 이미지9



A Clear definition of “Korean beauty” in “K-Art” - Layers of Korean Beauty


With the heightening reputation of Korean culture around the world, a new paradigm called “K-Art” has emerged.
But how can we define “Korean beauty” in “K-Art”?
To the question, “What is Korean beauty?” the book Layers of Korean Beauty by curator Ahn Hyun-Jung answers, “The unique vibrancy of Koreans that has lived and prospered in this land.”


Divided into sections on ceramics, calligraphy, crafts, and architecture, cultural heritages are matched with contemporary artists and are organized in an interview format; the book Layers of Korean Beauty develops readers’ “visual taste” for Korean beauty.
With 26 artists discussing 26 of Korea’s most iconic cultural treasures, such as the Moon Jar, Changdeokgung Palace, and the Pensive Bodhisattva, the book delicately captures the beauty that runs through the past, present, and future.
Also, under the theme of “Korean Beauty,” the book offers a moment to fully appreciate the beauty of Korea's proud cultural heritage and uplift readers' aesthetic senses.


“As such, successful development of traditional content has the potential to spread the power of Korean culture and arts not only within the country but also beyond.” - From the book


Delve into Korean beauty with the book Layers of Korean Beauty, which will help you get a clearer, more concrete understanding of what you may have only vaguely known as “K-Culture.”


Discover your “visual taste” and a deeper appreciation of “Korean beauty.”
Layers of Korean Beauty
Written by Ahn Hyun-Jung, published by Art Lake




#Layers of Korean Beauty#K-Art#Ahn Hyun-Jung#Art Lake
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