게시물 상세

Regarding Starknitting























One day, a spaceship from outer space equipped with highly advanced science technologies appeared on Earth. The aliens suggested humans on Earth have cultural exchange with the “Wetans,” beings from another outer space civilization, to help the Earth’s civilization spread into the universe. The Earthlings and the Wetans, both in their infancy stage in the universe, continue having multiple exchanges in preparation for the space era...


“Starknitting,“ the lifeline skill for Wetans to survive in the universe.

“Meet an earthling. They have an astrology specialist that studies reinterpreted astrology in quite a modern style. He calls himself, the ‘Star-knitter’.“


Humorous storyline, Unpredictable twist. Will their journey into space flow as smooth as water?

“May your life be an honor for your universe.”

From fantasy to romance, the world of Lee Yeong-Do is filled with extraordinary stories and explosive imagination.


Regarding Starknitting
Lee, Yeong-Do/Goldenbough




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