게시물 상세

Three Generations of Railworkers

























Three Generations of Railworkers - A gripping story penetrating the 100-year-history of Korea’s modern history


Tells the three-generation-crossing story of a labor activist and his ancestors who had been working as railwaymen during turbulent times in the past.


"The three trainman generations"
First generation: Lee Baek-Man (worked at a train manufacturing factory)
Second generation: Lee Il-Cheol (worked as an engineer during the Japanese occupation of Korea, who then moved to North Korea after the liberalization)
Third generation: Lee Ji-San (worked as an engineer in North Korea and lived as a captive in South Korea after the Korean War)

Factory Worker Fourth generation: Lee Jin-Oh (held a longterm sit-in at a high altitude fighting for labor rights)

Tough and challenging laborers’ life that passed down in the family for four generations from the Japanese occupation and liberalization to the 21st century.


“He thought that all these efforts mattered.”

The history of a family who lived a life as laborers and ordinary citizens is also OUR story.


The world will transform at a very slow pace, but I do not want to stop anticipating the better days to come.
- Author –


The root of the lives of Korean laborers demonstrated by the renowned writer Hwang Sok-yong, a nominee for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2020.

A Full-length Novel by Hwang Sok-yong, Three Generations of Railworkers
Changbi Publishers, June 5, 2020




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