게시물 상세

Alexandra Kim, la sibérienne

























Alexandra Kim, la sibérienne, who dreamed of a world where everyone is equal.


Alexandra Kim took part in the Russian Revolution, together with Bolshevik led by Lenin.

Striving to improve the working conditions of suffering laborers, she was executed after being arrested by Japanese troops and the anti-revolution White Guard.


“What I have been doing does not end here. It will continue among the tens of thousands of women.”

“Even though we look different and have different skins and nationalities, we are one as a laborer!”

“Never forget, the rage we felt today.”


The first Korean Bolshevik revolutionist, and the pioneer of the feminist movement, Alexandra Kim.

A graphic novel depicting the blazing life of Alexandra Kim, who fought for labor rights and the independence of Joseon.


★ 《New York Times》 New Book by Kim Keum Suk...“The Best Comics of 2019”
★ 〈RED Award 2019〉 “Notable Record”
★ “Webtoon Project: Independence Activists” on Daum Webtoon
★ Overseas Publication Rights Exported to France


Alexandra Kim, la sibérienne
Keum Suk Gendry-Kim, Jung Cheol-Hun (Original) / Booksea Publishing Co.




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