게시물 상세

Social Impact





















Social reputation decides a company’s future.



A company that is at the forefront of fair trade and environmental protection.
A company that is active in social contribution.
A company that is a good taxpayer


A company that abuses its power against employees
A company that turned a blind eye to sexual harassment
A company that evades responsibility for the damage to its customers

What stigmatizes a successful company or a brand as a “bad company/brand” and kicks it out of the market?

83% of Koreans say that social reputation of a company affects their product choices.

It is because customers actively react to the company’s social reputation or “Social Impact”.


This book analyzes the types and characteristics of customers from the perspective of “Social Impact”, and suggests how to build and have an influence on customers through examples of socially trusted brands.


Social Impact
Writing | Lee Sang-Il, Choi Seung-Bum, Park Chang-Soo
Publisher | The Korea Economic Daily (Hankyung BP)
Genre | Economics/Business Administration




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