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09:47 – the clock of the global environmental crisis is ticking.

Regardless of the environmental crisis that struck Earth, the protagonist's family goes on a trip.
From 8:40, when the family hops on a ship to head to Bijindo Island, the clock starts ticking, and when it strikes 9:47 the child comes out from the bathroom, all wet.
Then the clock stops at 12 o'clock. The whale that was carrying the island on its back awakes and cries – turning the island into chaos.
The child chases the whale to find her family, but they are nowhere to be found. The child and her doll bunny are put in an emergency situation as they escape the threat of seagulls.
She swims desperately toward Bijindo Island and succeeds in boarding the boat she had been on with her family. When the child leaves the bathroom soaked with water and meets her mother, the clock is again at 9:47.

How about we take a closer look at the environmental crisis, go on a dynamic adventure and look for hope for humanity and warnings about the global environment?

The endless interplay between reality and imagination, 09:47
LEE, Gihun



#09:47#LEE, Gihun#Gloyeon#Environmental crisis
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