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Yeoni and Willow Bachelor





















Yeoni and Willow Bachelor - A calm, resolute, but passionate story

Yeoni was living a harsh life under the care of an old woman, doing all the hard work.
She has been doing all the housework, preparing meals and sewing, even understanding the grudges of the old woman.
One winter day, the old woman orders Yeoni to find some lettuce. As she goes in search of the lettuce, she comes across a cave in the cold, winter mountain.
Yeoni walks deep into the cave to warm herself… Then, she is astonished to discover a warm, beautiful forest, and Willow Bachelor.
Willow Bachelor treats her with great hospitality and uses magic to give her lettuce as a gift so she can get through the crisis with the old woman.
Meanwhile, the old woman starts to be suspicious of Yeoni, as it is almost impossible to find lettuce in the middle of winter….

Will Yeoni and Willow Bachelor be able to protect each other, standing firmly against trials and tribulations?

A new reinterpretation of a traditional fairy tale orally passed down.
Yeoni and Willow Bachelor, written by Baek Hee-Na, published by Bear Books






#Yeoni and Willow Bachelor#Traditional fairy tale#Baek Hee-Na#Bear Books
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