게시물 상세

Korean Authors


Writer Heo Kyo bum





Please introduce yourself to our readers.


Hello, I debuted with Twenty Questions Detective and Magician (BIR Publishing Co., Ltd.) series. This is Heo Kyo bum, I have been working as a writer for 8 years now.


What motivated you to become a writer?


When I recall my childhood, I have more sad memories than happy memories. So if you ask why I became a writer, it's because I like stories. If you ask why I like stories, it’s because when I was young, I immersed myself in the world of stories and I was able to forget the hardships of reality. That became an opportunity for stories to play an important role in my life. Then, by chance, I thought I might be able to make a career from this. From the moment I decided to do that, I realized that no other dream could have replaced it. No matter how good the job, a great job for other people, or even if it was a job that could make me a lot of money, none of that could feel as precious as this job does to me. Even with a very low chance of “making it” I didn't give up on my determination to become a writer. That’s why I can do an interview like this now.


What kind of person do you think a writer is?


Usually when we think of a writer, we think they are a genius-like person who solves things and is inspired. After becoming a writer, I thought the job of being a writer was like creating stories every day. That’s their day-to-day work and that work is combined and eventually comes out as a single book. “A worker doing set labor every day to complete their work.” I came to think of it like this.





Twenty Questions Detective series



Is there any specific reason you write detective fiction?


The most fundamental attraction of detective fiction is that it can describe any criminal situation. A violation of another’s rights or property or even the person's body. Detective fiction is different from other genres in that it deals with those things head-on. Using logic it tries to solve the crimes within the system. I started to like detective fiction because of that. I actually came to this interview reading detective fiction.


What is the secret of children’s fandom?


First of all, I can’t believe I have fans! If there is a reason they like me it is probably because I am a person who tells an interesting story. I am someone who has no intention of teaching them anything or wanting anything from them other than to give them stories they can enjoy. I think my fans notice that in the books I write, and I think they like me as they like my stories.


What are you planning to write in the future?


Now I'm writing three series at the same time. The first novel is a fantasy novel aimed at teenagers. The second novel is about a monster and is written for elementary school students. Finally, the third story is being published in a series in the elementary Reading Commentary right now. Actually, all three series have many volumes. Six to seven volumes are now completed. If possible, I want to publish these three series at the same time. So I can enjoy the rest of my 30s. That is my hope now.


Read a line by Heo Kyo bum - Twenty Questions Detective 12. Poisonous Mushrooms and a Bat

Even if I know the name of Twenty Questions Detective
Twenty Questions Detective is still the same to me
Finally, Moonyang said.

The reason I like this paragraph is I made a giant world called Twenty Questions Detective. This big world looks like the door is closed at the end of the story. But in my mind the things in this world are alive and move and talk. Sometimes they talk to me. Also, it’s not just me. Those who were impressed by my book are waiting for the sequel to come out I think they feel the same as well. That's why I picked that paragraph.



* The interview and video were produced as a part of the K-Book Online Marketing Support Project of the Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA).




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