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Let’s Try


Emergency Rescue: A How-To Guide for All!






Let’s Try introduces various useful, practical books published in Korea every month.
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Today, I Must Survive
- Written by 2nd Life, published by Porche


『오늘도 반드시 살아남는다』


Everyone faces an emergency at some point in their lives!
Knowing how to react is the only way to survive it.


Throughout life, we all face unexpected situations when we least expect it. Think about it: your car is swamped in a rainy season flood, you get locked out of the bathroom, or the elevator suddenly drops. It’s a nerve-wracking scenario, but it could happen to anyone. So, how prepared are we to deal with these unexpected emergencies? If the thought of it makes your head spin, here is a book that will practically help you survive.
Today, I Must Survive is the first book by “2nd Life,” a one-million YouTuber who shares useful tips for everyday life, such as safety, survival, and daily living. This book also features illustrations to help you better understand the various dangerous situations as well as tips from emergency medicine specialists, making it both practical and professional. A terrible situation may happen to you, your family, your friends, or your neighbors! Stay healthy and safe with Today, I Must Survive as your trusted guide.


Today, I Must Survive

Today, I Must Survive





* Event Period: Until February 16, 2025 (winners will be contacted individually)
* Winners of the draw will be presented with a car emergency escape tool.

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