게시물 상세

Publication-Related Organizations in Korea




Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea


Publication-Related Organizations in Korea



We introduce to you various publication-related organizations in Korea that believe in the value of books and spread the good influence of reading!



Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA)
KPIPA is a public organization established to promote the publishing industry in a comprehensive and organized way in response to the publishing market's diversification and globalization. (kpipa.or.kr)
V Boosts demand for publication and advances distribution network
V Facilitates the creation of outstanding publications
V Establishes an infrastructure for thepublishing & cultural industry
#K-Publishing #Public_Organization #Policy-making



Korea Publishers Association
KPA promotes projects for the development of the publishing industry while setting up an order in distribution and resolving diverse issues related to the publishing environment with publishers in various fields. (kpa21.or.kr)
V Hosts “Book Day” on October 11th every year
V Hosts the Seoul International Book Fair and participates in other International Book Fairs
V Hosts the Publishing Policy Forum
#Book_Fairs #Overseas_Promotion#Support_for_Publications



Korea Federation of Bookstore Association
KFOBA works to enhance bookstores' rights and interests across the nation and spread reading culture among Koreans, thereby improving the roles of bookstores and promoting the book culture of people. (kfoba.or.kr)
V Hosts “Bookstore’s Day” on November 11th every year
V Revitalizes regional bookstores
V Fosters bookstore specialists
#Bookstore_People #Reading_as_a_Habit#Fixed_Book_Price



Korea Publishers Society
KOPUS is an incorporated association under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism to contribute to the freedom of publication, cultural and industrial development of publishing, and prosperity of its culture. (kopus.org)
V Carries out policy & planning projects of the publishing industry
V Conducts enhancement projects for the distribution environment of the publishing industry
V Runs publishing education projects
#Environmental_Improvement #External_Cooperation #Promotion_of_Reading Books



You can find the list of more organizations related to publishing on the website ofthe Korea Publishers Society.
Go to list!



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