게시물 상세

KAMS Publishing Korean Art :
Overseas Publication Support Program




Meet Korean Art Through BooksReceive support for books related to Korean Art!


One way to get help for overseas publication of books related to Korean Art


“KAMS Publishing Korean Art : Overseas Publication Support Program” run by the Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS)


Authors, publishers, art museums, universities, and research institutes from home and abroad, this is your time to apply for the grant!* Grant Scope: Within 90 million KRW for 2 to 3 chosen titles


Writing and overseas publishing of books that introduce Korean Art including introductions, discussions, and critiques are eligible for support!* Writing Support: Expenses for writing and translation of the book* Overseas Publishing Support: Actual publishing expenses such as production costs


- ProcessConclusion of Publication Contract ▶ Application for Support ▶ Review ▶ Allocation of Grant Amount ▶ Conclusion of MoA ▶ Grant Payment ▶ Implementation of Writing/Publishing Project ▶ Submission of the Final Result


-SchedulePublic Contest(Feb. 26 – May 7) : Submission of required documents via email ▶ Document Screening(3rd week of May (TBD)) : KAMS ▶ Interview Screening(3rd week of May (TBD)) : 3 External experts ▶ Announcement(4th week of May (TBD)) : Announced on the website with individual announcement for those chosen


Please refer to the website for more details on the required documents and notes!Inquiry: Visual Art Planning Team, Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS)82-2-708-2229 ┃ art-trans@gokams.or.kr



Meet Korean Art Through Books - Receive support for books related to Korean Art!



One way to get help for overseas publication of books related to Korean Art. “KAMS Publishing Korean Art : Overseas Publication Support Program” run by the Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS)



Authors, publishers, art museums, universities, and research institutes from home and abroad, this is your time to apply for the grant!
* Grant Scope: Within 90 million KRW for 2 to 3 chosen titles



Writing and overseas publishing of books that introduce Korean Art including introductions, discussions, and critiques are eligible for support!
* Writing Support: Expenses for writing and translation of the book
* Overseas Publishing Support: Actual publishing expenses such as production costs



- Process
Conclusion of Publication Contract ▶ Application for Support ▶ Review ▶ Allocation of Grant Amount ▶ Conclusion of MoA ▶ Grant Payment ▶ Writing/Publishing Project ▶ Submission of the Final Result



Public Contest(Feb. 26 – May 7) : Submission of required documents via email ▶ Document Screening(3rd week of May (TBD)) : KAMS ▶ Interview Screening(3rd week of May (TBD)) : 3 External experts ▶ Announcement(4th week of May (TBD)) : Announced on the website with individual announcement for those chosen



Please refer to the website for more details on the required documents and notes!(http://www.gokams.or.kr/01_news/notice_view.aspx?Idx=2681)
Inquiry: Visual Art Planning Team, Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS)
82-2-708-2229 ┃ art-trans@gokams.or.kr




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