게시물 상세

Exports Trends of Korean Books in Japan

Korean Publications Attract Attention in Japan




Korean literature is gaining popularity in the Japanese market. Let's take a look at the trend of popularity of Korean literature in 2017.

Recently, the interest in Korean literature in the Japanese publishing market is being revived. In the past, they were interested in mainstream novels such as original novels about Korean movies or dramas. On the other hand, short stories from young Korean writers are becoming recognized gradually, encouraging the change in the market.

Some novels have been contracted for a copyright for a Japanese version such as Ae-ran Kim's Run, Papa, Run, Hye-young Pyun's short story collection AOI Garden and Toward the Kennel.


Run Papa Run


Run, Papa, Run
Ae-ran Kim
November 29, 2005
Changbi Publishers

- Contents -
1. Run, Papa
2. I go to the convenience store
3. Pogo Stick
4. She has a reason that she cannot sleep
5. Speaker Forever
6. Greetings of Love
7. Who has fireworks on the beach
8. Paper Fish
9. House does not knock


AOI Garden


AOI Garden
Hye-young Pyun
July 29, 2005
Moonji Publishers

- Contents -
1. Reservoir
2. AOI Garden
3. Manhole
4. Suddenly,
5. Who killed the All American Girl
6. World Expo
7. West Forest
8. Magic Flute
9. The Bodies


Toward the Kennel


Toward the Kennel
Hye-young Pyun
April 5, 2012

- Contents -
1. Picnic
2. Toward the Kennel
3. Birth of Zoo
4. Night Work
5. Parade
6. Friday's Greetings
7. Lost Property
8. First Anniversary


Accordingly, copyrights for Japanese version were also sold for Jung-eun Hwang's Nobody Is and Keum-hee Kim's Love at Midday

In addition, a Japanese publisher is actively reviewing the translation of short stories by Gang Han, after the London Book Fair in March. In that sense, it appears that there is a preference spreading from popular novels to literary short stories.



Written by Joseph Lee, President of KL Management


Joseph Lee, President of KL Management

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