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A Chance to Introduce Korean Publishing
Content to Global Readers!

Translation and Publication Grant Programs in Korea




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A Chance to Introduce Korean Publishing Content to Global Readers! cardnews img7


A Chance to Introduce Korean Publishing Content to Global Readers! cardnews img7



With an aim to boost the global advancement of Korean publishing content, various organizations in Korea have been running translation and publication grant programs for international publishers to help them publish excellent Korean books!

(The following information is based on announcements made in 2024.)


Establishing a foundation for the publishing of Korean Wave books by supporting the overseas publication of Korean publishing content!
Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) 〈2024 Overseas Publication Grants〉

Qualification Overseas publishers who have imported Korean publication copyrights
Supported Areas A part of the publishing cost of overseas publishers that have published or
are planning to publish Korean publishing content
Scope of Selection Around 50 books will be selected, and grants will be provided in amounts varying by region
Selection Criteria Qualitative superiority of the book, appropriateness for overseas markets, and capability of the publisher


For the overseas advancement of Korean literature and the global spread of the literary Korean Wave!
Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI) 〈Translation and Publication Grants for Overseas Publishers〉

Qualification Overseas publishers that have acquired the rights and are planning to translate and
publish works of Korean literature (including web novels and webtoons) and humanities & social science
Application Schedule 4 cycles in 2024 (applications are accepted all year round;
the date of announcement varies by each deadline)
Grant Regulations Varies by genre and language
Selection Criteria Anticipated demand for the chosen work in the target market,
thoroughness of the publication and marketing plans,
and reputation and level of credibility of the publisher


Expanding connections with world literature by supporting Korean literature’s overseas advancement!
The Daesan Foundation 〈Korean Literary Works〉

Target Languages All languages
Target Works All Korean literary works in need of translation
(languages that have already acquired a translation contract cannot be supported)
Support Details Varies by language and category (translation, research, and publication)
Qualification • Translation: A translator with an excellent understanding of Korean culture
• Research: Overseas professors, researchers, students, translators, and organizations
• Publication: Overseas publishers preparing to translate and publish Korean works


Korean publishing content is a new opportunity for global publication!
Don’t miss out on the chance to introduce some of Korea’s best works through the grant programs!


* Please contact each organization through the respective website for programs for 2025.




#Translation and Publication Grant#KPIPA#LTI#The Daesan Foundation
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