게시물 상세

Overseas Publication Grants 2020




>Overseas Publication Grants 2020>Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA)


If you are an overseas publisher that imports domestic publication copyright, this is your chance!


Globally beloved K-Book!A perfect chance to publish outstanding Korean works in the overseas market!


A portion of publishing expense for already published or yet to be published Korean books is supported!


A whopping number of 35 titles will be selected and supported by area!More details?


#GrantsEurope, Britain, the US - 3,000 USDChina, Japan - 2,500 USDOthers - 2,000 USD


#Selection CriteriaQuality of contents (30%)Marketability (30%)Ability of the publisher (40%)


#ApplicationJune 29th - July 10thIndividually announced to selected publishers in July(Application: kbookcenter3@naver.com)


>Overseas Publication Grants 2020> of the Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA)!We look forward to your application!Inquiry: Dami Choe, Overseas Business Teamdami4126@kpipa.or.kr | kbookcenter3@naver.com



"Overseas Publication Grants 2020" - Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA)



If you are an overseas publisher that imports domestic publication copyright, this is your chance! 

Globally beloved K-Book! A perfect chance to publish outstanding Korean works in the overseas market!



A portion of publishing expense for already published or yet to be published Korean books is supported!

A whopping number of 35 titles will be selected and supported by area!
More details?



Europe, Britain, the US - 3,000 USD
China, Japan - 2,500 USD
Others - 2,000 USD



#Selection Criteria
Quality of contents (30%)
Marketability (30%)
Ability of the publisher (40%)



June 29th - July 10th
Individually announced to selected publishers in July
(Application: kbookcenter3@naver.com)



"Overseas Publication Grants 2020" of the KPIPA!
We look forward to your application!
Inquiry: Dami Choe, Overseas Business Team
dami4126@kpipa.or.kr | kbookcenter3@naver.com



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