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Operate the Chefbot of Hamburger Castle


1. Publication Details

Imprint | Hanbit Media

Title | Operate the Chefbot of Hamburger Castle

Author | Kyungsun Yoo

Illustrator | Misun Kim

Format | 183*235

Binding | Paperback

Pages | 76 pages

ISBN | 978-89-684-8870-2



2. Contact

Name | Seungmo Cho

Phone | +82-2-2128-8748

Email | marketing@hanbit.co.kr

URL | http://www.hanbit.co.kr



3. Marketing Information

Issued Copies / Bestselling Ranking | 5,000 copies

Subject | Fairy Tale for Children

Target Readership | Ages 7-10

Media Review and Advertisement | Learning computational thinking by reading stories



4. About the Author

[Author - Kyungsun Yoo]
M.A. in computer science education


[Illustrator - Misun Kim]
Illustrated several books including Ding Dong Ding Dong, Colorful Colors, and Lullabies for Babies.



5. About the Book

One day, suddenly, Minnih and Lee are transported to the Software Kingdom, where they meet Bef, the little knight. The three embark on a journey to save the perilous Software Kingdom. Children can improve their computational thinking as they venture through the Software Kingdom with Minnih, Lee and Bef, completing various missions.



Helen Keller, Who Speaks with Her Hands



1. Publication Details

Imprint | DARAKWON

Title | Helen Keller, Who Speaks with Her Hands

Subtitle | World Figures in Textbooks to Meet Before Entering School – No. 1

Author | Mihye Kim

Illustrator | Mija Cho

Format | 230*235

Binding |Hard cover

Pages | 48 pages

ISBN | 978-89-277-4681-2 74810



2. Contact

Name | Woonsun Choi

Phone | +82-2-736-2031 (extension 270)

Email | 1004fh@darakwon.co.kr

URL | http://www.darakwon.co.kr



3. Marketing Information

Issued Copies / Bestselling Ranking | 2,000 copies

Subject | The story of Helen Keller, who overcame her disabilities and became a world figure

Target Readers | Children ages 6–8

Media review and advertisement copy |

The perfect picture book about a world figure for children who have just learned the Korean language and are building their reading habits. This book is written and drawn for children around the ages ofwho are now reading by themselves. The book details Helen Keller’s life from when she was a child, so young readers will be able to easily relate to her story and find it enjoyable. And by understanding a person from another era and through indirect experiences, readers will be able to develop character. When they are in school, children may wonder why certain figures are mentioned in their textbooks. This book is part of a series that introduces these figures to children before they enter school. Though short, this book delivers a strong message to satisfy children’s curiosity. By looking at the world figure when she was a child, readers can discover themselves and can sometimes laugh. And by learning about how the world figure achieved her dreams, readers can delve into their own dreams through their imagination.



4. About the Author

[Author - Mihye Kim]
When Mihye Kim writes children’s poems the stars sparkle brightly over a cat meeting a dog and flowers meeting grass. Kim has written Korean Figures in Textbooks to Meet Before Entering School – No. 2: Magic Hands Jang Yeong-sil; the nursery rhymes “Send Dad Just for One Day,” “I’m Not Okay, Meow,” and “Meet Flower”; and the pictures books A Bird that Draws, A Tiger Taken by the Grim Reaper, and Pink Rabbit’s Chuseok. Kim has won Today’s Nursery Rhymes Literary Award for Baby Magpie’s Umbrella and the Ragazzi Award at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair for the picture book Temple Built of Stone, Seokguram.


[Illustrator - Mija Cho]
Mija Cho graduated from Hongik University with a major in painting. Currently, Cho resides in Chuncheon, Kangwon province, working on picture books. Cho tries to draw pictures that kids can relate to by using clear colors and freeform lines. Cho’s works include The Spider Climbs Up on His Web, Riding the Yellow Submarine, Breezy Wind, I Like Flowers, Making Bubbles, I’m Going to Sleep in My Room, and I Didn’t Pee.



5. About the Book

Helen Keller, Who Speaks with Her Hands
In the nineteen months after being born, Helen Keller loses her sight, hearing, and ability to speak. The average person thinks it is impossible to achieve their dreams with just one disability. However, Helen Keller overcomes all of her disabilities and becomes the first disabled person to enter college to study what she desires. Her incredible life and writings—made possible through perseverance, commitment, and imagination—move and inspire people.



Top Formula for New TOPIK Ⅱ


1. Publication Details

Imprint | Pagijong Press

Title | Top Formula for New TOPIK Ⅱ

Author | Park So-yeung, Kim Hyo-jin

Format | 188*257

Binding | Paperback

Pages | (192+86) pages

ISBN | 979-11-5848-283-1 (13710)



2. Contact

Name | Cho Eun Hye

Phone | +82-70-4261-9547

Email | pijbook@naver.com

URL | http://www.pjbook.com



3. About the Author and Illustrator

[Park So-yeung]
M.A. from Sungshin University in Korean Language Education.
Korean language instructor at the Global Cultural Center, Sungshin University.
Korean language instructor at the Vision Center for Foreigners in Hanam.
Currently, lecturer at the Language Education Institute at Konkuk University, Seoul.


[Kim Hyo-jin]
M.A. from Ewha Womans University in Korean Language Education.
Completed the course work for doctoral degree in Korean Culture and Korean Language at Ewha Womans University.
Instructor of Korean language at the Multi-Cultural Center of Eunpyeong District, Seoul.
Instructor of Korean language at Kukje Theological University and Seminary.
Instructor of Korean language at Jiangsu Teacher’s University in Jiangsu Province, China.
Currently, lecturer at the Language Institute, Konkuk University, Seoul.



4. About the Author and Illustrator

The revised New TOPIK Ⅱ Study Guide, with thoroughly analyzed texts and sentences, will enable the test takers to use the book more effectively. This book is divided into intermediate and advanced sections so that the users can choose the appropriate level.


The book consists of six parts: “Strategies for Solving the Problem,” a secret methodology for specific types of questions; “Actual Questions on the Exam” that students can have a glimpse of an actual test previously used; “Must Memorize!” provides all the important phrases and expressions one needs to know; “Practice Questions” presents identical set of questions from a real test; “Actual Questions” is a section where one can study on his or her own; and the “Answers and Explanation for the Practice and Actual Questions” section gives out all the answers and explains them in detail.


In the supplement, one will find the compilations of “adverbs,” “idiomatic expressions,” “proverbs,” “vocabulary of emotions,” and “list of vocabulary from the main text” that are on the test, while the probable questions based on the ones from the previous tests of TOPIK 16-41 have been included. The English, Japanese, and Chinese translations of the text are also provided for easier understanding. In the final section of the book, three trial tests are available in preparation for the test.



Every Moment Was You



1. Publication Details

Imprint | Wisdomhouse Mediagroup Inc.

Title | Every Moment Was You

Subtitle | Talking about Our Glittering Nights, Dreams, and Love

Author | Ha Tae-wan

Illustrator | Chloe

Format | 138*208

Binding | Paperback

Pages | 272 pages

ISBN | 979-11-6220-291-3 (03810)



2. Contact

Name | Kwon Minkyung

Phone | +82-31-936-4199

Email | ohappyday@wisdomhouse.co.kr

URL | http://www.wisdomhouse.co.kr



3. Marketing Information

Awards, Recommendations, and Selections| 122,486 copies sold.

Bestseller in the major bookstores such as Kyobo, Youngpoong, Yes24, and Interpark.

Subject| Love, comfort, and dreams of youth.

Target Readers | Teenagers and readers in their 20s

Media Reviews & Advertisement Copy |
Words from the heart sent to those who need both excitement and comfort.A sensitive set of essays by Ha Tae-wan, whose earlier book soothed the hearts of 500,000 readers.



4. About the Author

The author wants to write about an emotion, not a limited sort, but one of great breadth. The kind that enters the hearts of many people. For some, it can be the joy of love, for others solace at a time of separation, and for still others a stern admonition or piece of advice. He writes not artificially, but realistically, from the depths of his heart.
He believes in the power of these texts of various lengths. He hopes every one of his writings, each one written from his heart, to be an accurate signpost on the confusing path called life.
Ha has previously published #ToYou.



5. Overview

A New Book by Ha Tae-wan, Who Soothed 500,000 Readers with His Book #To You!
Illuminating Stories of Sympathy and Comfort for You in a Gloomy Night

The author, who wrote about love, youth, and life in #To You and who is much beloved on SNSs, has written his second set of essays Every Moment Was You. It contains texts delivering comfort and sympathy for every moment when one needs comfort or excitement, or when one is hurt by someone.
When one suffers restless thoughts throughout the night, when one wants to be loved, when one needs comfort after an exhausting day, the author speaks to you quietly what you need to hear. Not a superficial comfort or love, just saying “Cheer up,” or “I love you,” but a confession from the whole heart that you are never alone at any moment, that you are thought of every moment, so that you can look back on the moments of the past and gain strength to be yourself, not shaken any more.




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