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Let’s Try


Knitting YouTuber Daeri Kim’s “Easy Modern Daily Knit”






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Daeri Kim’s Easy Modern Daily Knit
- Written by Banulstory Daeri Kim, published by Woongjin Livinghouse




Hand-knitting influencer Banulstory Daeri Kim, who is at the center of attention in Korea today,
shares her knitting tips with her readers!


Daeri Kim’s Easy Modern Daily Knit is the perfect book for beginners who have just begun knitting. From cardigans to sweaters, mufflers, hats, and gloves, the book includes detailed explanations with photographs for anyone to knit. Also, kindly-written designs and QR videos help struggling readers better understand the process.
Have you ever been upset because the clothes with the design you liked didn’t fit you? Daeri Kim’s Easy Modern Daily Knit offers customized designs for each size, from slim to chubby, which help readers make one themselves with the right size. If you carefully follow the directions, you can complete a special knit just for you. So, with Daeri Kim’s Easy Modern Daily Knit beside you, why not make the world’s only knit?






Event Ended


* Event period: Until April 2, 2023 (Winners will be contacted individually)
* Winners of the lottery will be presented with two balls of yarn (random color) and a bamboo knitting needles (3.5mm)






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