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Let’s Try


Prepare for Disasters with a Single Book






Let’s Try introduces various useful, practical books published in Korea every month.
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Survival Backpack: How to Evacuate and Protect Yourself in Disasters
- Written by Woo Seung-Yup, published by DULNYOUK


Survival Backpack: How to Evacuate and Protect Yourself in Disasters


Find everything – from how to pack your survival backpack to how to survive in cities – in this one book!
How well prepared are you in the face of disasters that strike unexpectedly?


Disasters such as wildfires and heavy rain are becoming more frequent with increasingly severe abnormal climates. It is also common to see how a preventable disaster turns into a major catastrophe in the blink of an eye as people panic and are confused. But, if you know how to, then you can survive any urgent situation! That’s why we all need to study and prepare for disasters ahead of time.
The book Survival Backpack: How to Evacuate and Protect Yourself in Disasters, written by Woo Seung-Yup, head of the Urban Disaster Research Institute and urban survival expert, teaches step-by-step how to pack a survival backpack for a disastrous situation. From the light, simple basic type, to the ultimate type apt for long-lasting disasters, the book helps anyone prepare a survival backpack. If you have the backpack ready, how to survive in the city next. The book is full of information that will help you a lot in an emergency once practiced ahead of time, such as how to purify water and survive inside the house. Seems difficult? Don’t worry! It’s packed with examples from famous movies like “The Exit” and “San Andreas” for you to learn easily! So, let’s start preparing for urgent situations with the book Survival Backpack: How to Evacuate and Protect Yourself in Disasters. A little preparation might determine life and death in disasters!


Survival Backpack: How to Evacuate and Protect Yourself in Disasters

Survival Backpack: How to Evacuate and Protect Yourself in Disasters



Event Ended


* Event Period: Until August 6, 2023 (winners will receive individual contact)
* Winners of the draw will be presented with a small torch

small torch





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