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Publishing Policy


Arts Council Korea’s Munhak Nanum Book Distribution Project




문학나눔 도서보급사업 이미지1


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Leading the development of the publishing market and promoting reading culture: Munhak Nanum Book Distribution Project

The Munhak Nanum Book Distribution Project, organized by Arts Council Korea, has been putting the utmost effort into promoting publishing culture and reading opportunities by selecting and distributing excellent literary books.

Among a total of 6 categories – poetry, fiction, non-fiction, review, play, children/young adult, and literature, the project selects and supports first-edition literary books (non-co-written) published within the specified period!

About 500 titles are chosen each year, then distributed to various organizations such as libraries, local cultural centers, and social welfare facilities!


Selection Criteria
Creativeness and completeness
Contribution to literary advancement
Ripple effect and future potential


Project Overview
Government Sponsor: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism
Project Organizer: Arts Council Korea
Frequency: 3 times a year, once a quarter
Step 1: Pre-screening
Step 2: Screening
Step 3: Final adjustment review
Purchase of the Selected Books: 
Selected books are purchased at a maximum of 8.5 million won per book at 90% of the list price


Project Progress
Application Announcement → Application → Screening Committee → Selection/Announcement of winners → Purchase/Distribution of books → Further programs for cultural enjoyment


Meet outstanding Korean books contributing to the development of the publishing culture through the Munhak Nanum Book Distribution Project!


For more information, please refer to the website!
Go to the website of Arts Council Korea’s Munhak Nanum Book Distribution Project




#Munhak Nanum Book Distribution Project#Arts Council Korea#Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism
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