게시물 상세

The publications magazines of Korea




The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea


The publications magazines of Korea




The publications magazines of Korea


Do You Want to Get Recent News and Information on publishing in Korea?


The fastest way to hear stories from the Korean publishing industry and publishers!
We would like to introduce to you Publication-specialized Korean magazines!


Unparalleled publications magazine of, and for Korean publishers!
Planning Meeting, Korean Publishing Marketing Research Institute
This bi-weekly magazine specialized in publications provides useful information, on-the-ground interviews of publishers, and stories with much to take away, delivering various news from the Korean publishing industry and setting the stage for new discussions.
Subscription & Inquiry : www.kpm21.co.kr, +82-2-336-5675


Pursuing a healthy ecosystem of books as a leading publications magazine in Korea!
Publishing Journal, PRN Inc. Publishing& Reading Network for better world
Being a bi-monthly magazine marking the 33rd anniversary this year, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism chose it as the magazine with excellent content in 2020. It discusses issues that have posed an overall influence on the Korean publishing industry as highlights.
Subscription & Inquiry : blog.naver.com/prnkorea1, +82-2-313-3063


Analyzing the world of books since 1970!
Readers News, A1 News
Readers’ News is a magazine published both online and offline that has been devoted to facilitating reading culture in society since 1970. It produces multiple types of content on PC, mobile websites, and Social Media.
Subscription & Inquiry : www.readersnews.com, +82-2-581-4396


Books will lead the new future, will build the knowledge-based society in the 21c!
Publishing Culture, Korean Publishers Association
As a 40-year-old magazine specialized in publishing, it provides useful information for publishers by delivering the newest issues, overseas publishing information, and news from publishing-related organizations.
Subscription & Inquiry : kpa21.or.kr, +82-2-733-8402


Feed your curiosity, get new information, and check out outstanding titles in the Korean publishing industry through the publications magazines!



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