게시물 상세

2020 Overseas Publication Grants




Do you want to import Korean books,or publish Korean books,but it is financially burdensome?


The Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA)is supporting publishers with the<2020 Overseas Publication Grants>!


In 2019, 27 titles could be published in 12 countries with our support.


KPIPA is waiting for overseas publishers’ applications for this year.Anyone who wishes to import and publish Korean publishing content in 2020 can apply.


More titles to be supported this year -around 35 titles will be chosen;While just as last year,USD 2,000-3,000 will be granted per title.


We are open for application twice a year,and the process is as follows:Registration▼Screening▼Sign a contract▼Submit physical books▼Receive grant


Please refer to the below website for the application form and more information.http://k-book.or.kr/


Please feel free to contact usif you have any questions.Contact infoChoe Damidami4126@kpipa.or.kr+82-63-210-2767


Do you want to import Korean books, or publish Korean books, but it is financially burdensome?


The Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) is supporting publishers with the "2020 Overseas Publication Grants"!



In 2019, 27 titles could be published in 12 countries with our support.


KPIPA is waiting for overseas publishers’ applications for this year. Anyone who wishes to import and publish Korean publishing content in 2020 can apply.


More titles to be supported this year - around 35 titles will be chosen; While just as last year, USD 2,000-3,000 will be granted per title.



We are open for application twice a year, and the process is as follows: 

Registration ▼ Screening ▼ Sign a contract ▼ Submit physical books ▼ Receive grant



Please refer to the below website for the application form and more information. http://k-book.or.kr/


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Contact info Choe Dami dami4126@kpipa.or.kr +82-63-210-2767




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