게시물 상세

K-Book Promotion Grants Offered by KPIPA & LTI





























The Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) and the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI) are providing grants for K-Book promoters!

Check out! KPIPA’s Export Community & the LTI’s nternational Exchange Program and PR & Marketing Grants for Overseas Publishers

For those aiming to spread out Korean literature into the world, here’s your chance to receive grants for:
Various domestic & international events, the establishment of an online platform, promotional marketing, and more!


#Eligible Parties
- Export Community : Organizations that host events to promote Korea’s publishing content in overseas markets
- International Exchange Program : Event hosts, agencies, and individuals that hold events such as literary festivals, including overseas universities teaching Korean
- PR & Marketing Grants for Overseas Publishers : Overseas publishers who own publication rights of a Korean literary work that has been published within the recent 5 years or is scheduled to be published


#Grant Volume
- Export Community: Up to 10 million won (KRW)
- International Exchange Program: Up to 20 million won (KRW)
- PR & Marketing Grants for Overseas Publishers : Up to 10 million won (KRW)


#Submission & Announcement
- Export Community : Submission March 24 – April 20 / Announcement Late April
- International Exchange Program : Submission (Second half of the year) July 31 / Announcement Late August
- PR & Marketing Grants for Overseas Publishers : Submission (3rd) April 30, (4th) June 30, (5th) August 31 / Announcement (3rd) late May, (4th) late July, (5th) late September

Please refer to the official website for details about each program! (evaluation, more information about grants, etc.)


Export Community
International Exchange Program
PR & Marketing Grants for Overseas Publishers
* Click on each program to move to the relevant website


If you have any questions, please send an email to the addresses below!

Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) ahj@kpipa.or.kr
Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI) exchange@klti.or.kr

If you are planning to promote Korean publications, this is your chance!
K-Book Promotion Grants
Offered by the Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) & the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI)



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