게시물 상세

Publishing Policy


Newsletter of Korean Publishers





















A Pleasant Book Letter in My Mailbox, Publishers’ Newsletter
Publishers’ Newsletter - Newsletters popular for their high-quality content about books, which has gone beyond the purpose of promoting sales.


Introduction of new titles
Knowledge and information
Editors’ stories
Creation of a book community
Two-way communication


If you are a reader, don’t miss out on fresh news about books!
We introduce you to the newsletter of Korean publishers!


#Minumsa #Hanpyeon - A letter of humanities in everyday life shorter than books
#Munhakdongne #WeLovePoems - Two poems a week for poem lovers
#UU_press #BoreumUU - The behind-the-scenes of those working in the world of books


A fast way to get news about books!
Publishers’ Newsletter


Dear, Readers.
Why don’t you subscribe and get book letters with fresh news?




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