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Starting Life With Books, Bookstart Korea




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Initiated in the UK, “Bookstart” is a worldwide program that has now spread to around 40 countries.
Starting in 2003 in Korea, it celebrates the 21st anniversary this year.


Bookstart Korea is run by more than 300 libraries in about 72% of local governments with about 1,000 partner organizations.
Giving bags full of picture books as a gift for babies, the babies and parents read them together in joyful laughter. Bookstart Korea is a program that gives happiness and joy!


Six Objectives of Bookstart Korea
Providing social support for childcare
Providing communication tools between parents and babies
Helping babies get familiar with books
Giving parents tips for childcare
Supporting cultural welfare for local communities
Being the beginning of lifelong education
“The best social care for babies” is the aim of Bookstart Korea.


Six-step packs provided by Bookstart Korea
Bookstart Pack: 0-18 months
Bookstart Plus Pack: 19-35 months
Bookstart Treasure Chest Pack: 36-before school
Bookwings Primary Pack: Elementary school
Bookwings Middle and High Packs: Middle and high school
Bookstart Senior Pack: Seniors
Going beyond babies, Bookstart Korea has been providing picture books to more than 140 thousand readers every year.


“Books for babies!”
Bookstart Korea promotes social equity in early childhood benefits by providing free picture books to all babies.
Check out the website, if you want to know more about Bookstart that helps babies start their life with books!


Go to the website of Bookstart Korea




#Bookstart Korea#Social equity#Babies#Parents#Picture Book
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