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2020-2022 Bestsellers: Korean Humanities Books




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Korean Humanities Bestsellers for 2020 - 2022
Explore Korean humanities books that will inspire your life with rich knowledge and refined ideas!



1 Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 0
2 You’re Always Right
3 When I Don’t Know What I Really Want
4 Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 1
5 Seol Min-seok's Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1
6 A Book for Highly Sensitive People
7 Seol Min-seok's Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2
8 A Country You’ve Never Experienced Before
9 The Korean Trauma Cleaner
9 Vocabulary of Adults


#1 - Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 0 (written by Chae Sa-Jang, published by Whale Book)
A book about the wisdom of the human race, starting from the beginning of knowledge in prehistoric times - a liberal arts book that covers a wide range of disciplines.


#2 - You’re Always Right (written by Jung Hye-Shin, published by Hainmaim Publishing)
Everything you need to know about empathy - a warm, empowering force for readers struggling with conflict - a guide to psychological CPR.


#3 - When I Don’t Know What I Really Want (written by Jeon Seung-Hwan, published by Dasan Books)
A therapeutic time to examine your emotions and restore your sense of love - a book filled with the writer's truly heartfelt words!



1 The Future of Space
2 I Decided to Live as Me
3 Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 1
4 Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 0
5 You’re Always Right
5 Use of History
7 The Analects of Confucius Read at the Age of 50
8 Korean Connotation Dictionary
9 I Want to Live Like a Tree
9 Is My Sentence That Strange?
9 Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 2


#1 – The Future of Space (written by Yoo Hyeon-Jun, published by Eulyoo Publishing)
In the post-coronavirus era, the way we look at the world has changed - a book exploring the future of spaces intimately connected to our lives.


#2 - I Decided to Live as Me (written by Sohn Him-Chan, published by Studio Odr
A book that provides specific guidance on how to reflect deeply on yourself and your life to embrace who you are and live a more pro-active life.


#3 - Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 1 (written by Chae Sa-Jang, published by Whale Book)
An all-in-one intellectual journey to navigating the real world and the easiest introduction to the field of humanities that helps you talk about any topic.



1 The Last Lesson of Lee O-Young
2 Study by Choi Jaecheon
3 The Analects of Confucius Read at the Age of 50
4 If I Were to Re-live My Life
5 Reading Nietzsche in My 40s
6 European City Travels 2
7 Read Law Classics with Cho Kuk
8 One Drop of Tear
8 Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Intellectual Conversation: 1
10 Psychology Letter to My Daughter


#1 - The Last Lesson of Lee O-Young (written by Lee O-Young and Kim Jisu, published by Yolimwon)
The “last interview” between the intellect of the time, Lee O-Young, and interviewer Kim Jisu! A book about the truth of life and death as told through their conversation.


* K-Book Trends Vol. 43 – Go to the article about writer Lee O-Young


#2 - Study by Choi Jae-cheon (written by Choi Jae-Cheon, published by Gimm-Young Publishers)
A book by Professor Choi Jae-Cheon, who has been a keen observer of animals and humans, summarizes his thoughts on “studying,” which is particularly essential in this era.


* K-Book Trends Vol. 44 – Go to the article about writer Choi Jae-Cheon


#3 - The Analects of Confucius Read at the Age of 50 (written by Choi Jong-Yeop, published by Uknow Books)
The Confucius quote, “Life is not about speed but about direction!” - a book that will fill the midlife void.


The field of humanities inspires imagination and creativity through the knowledge and liberal arts contained in its books!
Discover a new “you” by reading Korean humanities books!


* The data above is based on the integrated list of bestsellers in the humanities category in Korea from 2020 to 2022 from the four largest bookstores in Korea: Kyobo Book Center, Aladin, YES24, and Interpark.




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