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2020-2022 Bestsellers: Korean Self-help Books




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2020-2022 Bestsellers: Korean Self-help Books
Discover Korean self-help books that share life wisdom and secrets to success!



1 Secret of the Top 1% in Harvard
1 Reboot
3 The Having
4 Eight
4 I Start My Day at 4:30 AM
6 This One Phrase Saved My Life
7 I Only Study That Wins
8 Vocabulary of Adults
9 A Vessel of Humanity That Fills Up Endlessly
10 Practice to Love Myself
10 Talking About How to Talk


#1 – Secret of the Top 1% in Harvard (Written by Chung Joo-Young, published by the Korea Economics Daily)
A book that suggests a new formula for success by observing Harvard’s most secretive group of investors, the “Black Diamonds”!


#1 – Reboot (Written by Kim Mi-Kyung, published by Woongjin Jisik House)
A book about preparing for post-COVID-19 - giving us courage for a future where everything will change with realistic solutions.


#3 – The Having (Written by Lee Seo-Yoon and Hong Joo-Yeon, published by Suo Books)
Incredible teachings on creating your own mindset and getting what you want! It is a must-read in challenging times.



1 Reconciliation by Oh Eun-Young
2 Lucky
3 I Start My Day at 4:30 AM
3 Speak Like a Grown-up by Kang Won-Guk
3 The Algorithm of Luck
6 Wealthinking
7 The Having
8 Story of Department Head Kim, Who Has a House in Seoul and Works at a Large Company 1
9 How To Draw Without Being Afraid
10 To Those in Their 30s That Think Too Much
10 The Studying Technique That Never Betrays
10 Story of Department Head Kim, Who Has a House in Seoul and Works at a Large Company 2


#1 - Reconciliation by Oh Eun-Young (Written by Oh Eun-Young, published by Korea.com)
It is a book that offers warm words of compassion and straightforward advice for those of you who need to face the pain you have been trying to turn away from.


* K-Book Trends Vol. 46- Interview of Dr. Oh Eun-Young


#2 - Lucky (Written by Kim Do-Yoon, published by Book Romance)
Everything you need to know about luck and success - all discovered by the writer who spent 10 years interviewing 1,000 successful people! A book with 7 rules to open the door to good luck.


#3 – I Start My Day at 4:30 AM (Written by Kim Yoo-Jin, published by Tornado)
The bestselling writer behind the early morning wake-up craze! The power of the morning hours is revealed by a lawyer who has been starting her day at 4:30 for many years.



1 Wealthinking
2 Reconciliation by Oh Eun-Young
3 Counter Your Life
4 Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life
5 Live Well, It is the Best Revenge
6 Lucky Draw
7 Lucky
8 Choi Jae-Cheon's Tips to Studying
8 Why Don’t We Talk Casually
10 If I Were to Re-live My Life


#1 - Wealthinking (Written by Kelly Choi, published by Dasan Books)
The book where super-rich Kelly Choi talks all about wealth, going from being a poor girl to being the CEO of a global company.


#3 – Counter Your Life (Written by Jachung, published by Woongjin Jisik House)
The #1 bestseller upon its release! It shares the secrets to breaking free from the dominance of fate and instinct and achieving financial freedom and happiness!


#4 – Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life (Written by Park Seni, published by Mindset)
It is a book that received enthusiastic responses from many readers for its firm grip on their wavering mentality, which led them to robust achievements!


What books gave readers consolation and courage in 2023?
Prepare for the new year with Korean self-help books!


* The data above is based on the integrated list of bestsellers in the self-help category in Korea from 2020 to 2022 from the four largest bookstores in Korea: Kyobo Book Center, Aladin, YES24, and Interpark.




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