게시물 상세



2022 Visiting Korean Book Fair in Tokyo

















The Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) will be hosting the Visiting Korean Book Fair this year to boost the export of Korean publishing content.
It is scheduled to be held offline in Tokyo, Japan, in July.


Visiting Korean Book Fair in Tokyo
Purpose: To promote and support new market penetration of Korean publishing content
Date: July 28, 2022 (Thu.) - July 29, 2022 (Fri.) (2 days)


A total of 21 Korean publishing companies and around 20 buyers from all over the world will attend the Korean Book Fair in Tokyo.
Discover different Korean books exhibited at the Visiting Korean Book Fair in Tokyo this July!
We look forward to your continued interest and participation!


For any inquiries, please send an e-mail to the K-Book Content Team, KPIPA.
E-mail: kbook@kpipa.or.kr




#Visiting Korean Book Fair in Tokyo#KPIPA#Japan
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