게시물 상세

3rd Week, May

Bestseller Trends in the Four Biggest Online Bookstores in Korea




If we look at the bestsellers of four major online bookstores in Korea for the third week of May, books written by Youtubers will catch our attention. New Yorker This Month that hit the top list the day after its publication is about the episodes which Hong Se-Rim - a Youtuber with 600K subscribers (channel name: Serim’s Life) - experienced when she was living in New York for a month. Also, COVID-19: Investment War written by three Youtubers of an economy channel “the Three Professionals TV” talks about their opinion on the changing economic landscape after the outbreak of COVID-19. This book was a sensation among Korean readers that it even became the bestseller in bookstores with only the pre-sales. Youtube is a hot market in Korea nowadays, and it seems that such a trend has also affected the publishing market.
One other thing that catches our eyes is that essays, economics & business administration books and novels are of great popularity. On top of the two books mentioned above, The Answer that has been Prepared for a Long Time by Kim Young-Ha, a star writer in Korea and 1cm Diving that has been keeping its place on the list since its publication in January were notable in the essay category, while Loon Shots and Prisoners of Geography by overseas writers, and The Boy is Coming by globally prominent Han Kang and La Boite de Pandore 1, 2 by Bernard Werber, a beloved writer in Korea, were added to the bestsellers’ list in economics & business administration and novels respectively.
Meanwhile, The Answer that has been Prepared for a Long Time was a republished version of Memory Lost (RH Korea) which was published in 2009. Besides, The Boy is Coming features the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Movement, a heartrending incident in Korea that happened in 1980. As the Movement marks its 40th anniversary this year, the book was republished as a special limited edition with a new cover. First published in 2014, it also won the 20th Malaparte Prize in 2017.


* The rank of bestsellers below was organized after integrating domestic best sellers in the third week of May from the four biggest online bookstores in Korea - Kyobo Bookstore, Aladdin, Yes 24, and Interpark.


Best sellers




The Having
Author | Lee Seo-Yun, Hong Joo-Yeon
Publisher | Suo Books
Genre | Self-development




Loon Shots
Author | Safi Bahcall
Publisher | Next Wave Media
Genre | Economics & Business Administration




The Answer that has been Prepared for a Long Time
Author | Kim Young-Ha
Publisher | Bokbok Seoga
Genre | Essay




Prisoners of Geography
Author | Tim Marshall
Publisher | Sai Book
Genre | Economics & Business Administration




La Boite de Pandore 1
Author | Bernard Werber
Publisher | The Open Books
Genre | Novel




La Boite de Pandore 2
Author | Bernard Werber
Publisher | The Open Books
Genre | Novel




1cm Diving
Author | Taesoo, Munjung
Publisher | FIKA
Genre | Essay




The Boy is Coming (Special Limited Edition)
Author | Han Kang
Publisher | Changbi
Genre | Novel




COVID-19: Investment War
Author | Jung Chae-Jin, Park Seok-Joong, Lee Gwang-Soo, Kim Han-Jin, Kim Il-Gu,Yeouido Class, Yoon Ji-Ho, Choi Jun-Young
Publisher | Page 2 Books
Genre | Economics & Business Administration




New Yorker This Month
Author | Hong Se-Rim
Publisher | Book 21
Genre | Essay




Who Made Me a Princess 4
Author | Spoon
Publisher | KW Books
Genre | Comics




Written by Choi Ha-Yeong


Choi Ha-Yeong

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