게시물 상세

Korean Translator


Lee Tae-Yeon






Korean-French translator


Educational Status


Completion of doctoral course in General and Comparative Literature at the University of Paris XII
Regular course at the LTI Korea Translation Academy




Korean-French Co-translation
Pyun Hye-Young, I Went to the West Forest (Munji Books), published by Payot & Rivages
Koo Byung-Mo, The Bruised Fruit (Wisdom House), published by Decrescenzo
Lee Oi-Su, A Hundred Ways of Drinking (Bosung Publishing) (3 essays), published by Cahier des Ateliers
Han Kang, The Wind is Blowing (Munji Books), published by Decrescenzo - Won the 13th LTI Korea Translation Award in 2015
Kim Joong-Hyuk, The Library of Musical Instruments (Munhakdongne), published by Decrescenzo


『서쪽 숲에 갔다』의 불어판 표지

『파과』의 불어판 표지

『술』의 불어판 표지

French covers of I Went to the West Forest, The Bruised Fruit, and A Hundred Ways of Drinking


『바람이 분다, 가라』의 불어판 표지

『악기들의 도서관』의 불어판 표지

French covers of The Wind is Blowing and The Library of Musical Instruments



Cross-linguistic Reading
Oh Eun, I Had a Name (Achimdal Books)(translated 4 poems)
Lee Jenny, There is No Sentence, But it is Beautiful (Hyundae Munhak), Because We Don’t Know Us (Munji Books), Maybe Africa (Changbi), The Things I Scribbled (Munji Books)(translated 5 poems)
Kim Haeng-Sook, The Portrait of Ec(h)o (Munji Books)(translated 3 poems)


French-Korean Translation
Claudine Desmarteau, Little Gus, published by Kookmin Books


『내가 바로 내일의 스타』의 한국판 표지

『내가 바로 내일의 스타』 불어판 표지

Korean and French covers of Little Gus



Translated film subtitles for the 20th and 21st Busan International Film Festival


Talks and Interviews





#Lee Tae-Yeon#French#Korean Literature Translation Award#Translator
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