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New Books


The Baobab and the Snail




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Min Byung-Il’s new book sings poetically about the value of existence.
A Dreamy Galactic Wonder in Search of “Blue Stars” Beyond the Universe.
The Baobab and the Snail - We invite you to a world of thoughts, reveries, and dreams that modern people have lost.

The baobab tree stretches endlessly toward the sky, befriending every wanderer. A wandering dreamer snail, who was chased away from the pack for pursuing a dream unlike the rest.
They set out on an epic journey in search of a “blue star” that shines on its own, to become a “star” for someone who shines.
Sometimes in solitude, and sometimes contemplating existence. The two follow the trail of a blue star, learning life lessons from the many stars and travelers along the way.
Will the baobab tree and the dreamer snail reach the blue star of their dreams at the end of it all?

“Our life is beautiful because we can dream.”

Meet the countless dreams and journeys that shimmer and intersect in a vast galaxy, following the baobab tree and the snail.
A fairy tale for all dreamers - The Baobab and the Snail (Written by Min Byung-Il, Published by Munji Publishing)




#The Baobab and the Snail#Min Byung-Il#Munji Publishing
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