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2023 Korea Picture Book Award

Announcement of the winners of the 2023 Korea Picture Book Award and the awards ceremony




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Announcement of the winners of the 2023 Korea Picture Book Award and the awards ceremony cardnews img5





Grand Prize


Fiction: The Disappeared Dinner (written by Kwon Jung-Min, published by Changbi Publishers)
Non-fiction: A Round of Tightrope Walking (written by Minha, published by Gloyeon)


Special Prize


Did You Say I Am Pretty? (written by Hwang In-Chan and Lee Myeon-Ae, published by Springsunshine Publishing)
Mephisto (written by Luly Lee, published by BIR Publishing)
Wind Blowing On Mudeungeewat (written by Kim Young-Hwa, published by Iyagikot Publishing)
Okchun-Dang (written by Go Jung-Soon, published by Gilbut Children Publishing)
Tiger’s Party (written by Kang Hye-Sook, published by Woorischool)


Rookie of the Year


Gorong Gorong House (written by Jo Shin-Ae, published by Sakyejul Publishing Ltd.)


Awards Ceremony


Date and time: December 5, 2023 (Tue.), 15:00
Venue: International Conference Hall at Korea Press Foundation
Content: 8 awards in 3 categories


Thank you for your interest in the 2023 Korea Picture Book Award.
Congratulations again to all the winners.




#2023 Korea Picture Book Award#The Disappeared Dinner#Kwon Jung-Min#Round of Tightrope Walking#Minha
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