게시물 상세

Korean Translator


Konishi Naoko






Korean-Japanese translator




B.A., Rikkyo University College of Arts
M.A. in Korean-Japanese interpretation, HUFS Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation




Completed a special course at the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI) Translation Academy
Completed Translation Atelier at the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI)


Published Translations


Japanese covers of Zombies

Japanese covers of Sister

Japanese covers of A World History of Second Sons

Japanese covers of United We War

Japanese covers of Zombies, Sister, A World History of Second Sons, and United We War



Kim Joong-Hyuk, Zombies (Changbi) / Japanese version: ゾンビたち (論創社)
Lee Duon, Sister (Gozknock Ent.) / Japanese version: あの子はもういない (文藝春秋)
Chang Kang-Myong, United We War (Wisdom House) / Japanese version: 我らが願いは戦争 (新泉社)


Other Co-translated Works
Park Young-Joon, The Best Farmer, Park Tae-Won, Master of Fang Lan Chuang (included in Vol. 2 of The Origin of Korean Literature series) / Japanese version: オリオンと林檎 (書肆侃侃房)
Ken Liu and others, Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon (Alma) / Japanese version: 七月七日 (東京創元社)
Kim Kak-Joon, Studying Dokdo Island (Northeast Asian History Foundation) / Japanese version: 独島研究 (論創社)


Japanese covers of Vol. 2 of the series The Origin of Korean Literature

Japanese covers of Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon

Japanese covers of Studying Dokdo Island

Japanese covers of Vol. 2 of the series The Origin of Korean Literature, Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon, and Studying Dokdo Island



Other Translations


Translated subtitles for the movie “The Barefooted Young” (included in the Kim Ki-Deok collection DVD at Korean Film Archive)




Winner of the 24th BABEL TRANSLATION AWARD for Korean-Japanese Translation, organized by BABEL, a Japanese translation publisher (2001)




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