게시물 상세

Korean Translator


Park Kyeong-Hee






Korean-Japanese translator


Educational Background


Apr. 2002 – Mar. 2006: Ferris University (Yokohama, Japan)
Mar. 2011 – Feb. 2013: Master’s Degree in Korean-Japanese Translation at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation
Mar. 2019 – Today: Currently in a doctoral course in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies’ Department of Korean Studies




Sep. 2016 – Today: Teaching Korean-Japanese translation at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation
Sep. 2021 – Today: Teaching at the Chekccori Translation School operated by the Japanese publisher CUON
- Website of Chekccori Translation School: チェッコリ翻訳スクール- CHEKCCORI (チェッコリ)
- Lecture information (2022.05.): 定員になりました [2022年5月開講] 実務翻訳入門コース- CHEKCCORI (チェッコリ)




Excellence prize at the 1st Korean Film Translation Contest


Literary Translations




Korean (left) and Japanese (right) covers of Ven Pomnyun Sunim’s Happiness




Korean (left) and Japanese (right) covers of Escape the Corset: Imagination and Reality



Ven Pomnyun Sunim’s Happiness (Namu Mind)
- Published in Japan on March 11, 2021 (誰よりも先にあなたが幸せになりなさい)
Escape the Corset: Imagination and Reality (Hani Book) (co-translated)
- Published in Japan on March 30, 2022, (脱コルセット:到来した想像)


Other Career


Selected three times for the Translation Grants provided by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI)
- Translated books: Korean Food Table (Seed Paper), Guide to Seoul Cave (Munji Books), and The Eighth Room (Minumsa)





Korean Food Table, Guide to Seoul Cave, and The Eighth Room





#Park Kyeong-Hee#Korean-Japanese#Translator#Japan
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