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Children of the Red Thread

Children of the Red Thread

1. Publication Details


Title | Children of the Red Thread
Author | Jeon Samhye
Publisher | Purplerain
Publication Date | 2022-01-24
ISBN | 9791191842128
No. of pages | 244
Dimensions | 128 * 195


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Bae Jeongeun - Greenbook Agency, Foreign Rights
Email | jeongeun@grb-agency.com
Phone | +82-02-2676-2201


3. Book Intro


Jeon Sam-hye, in their lively depiction of young adults standing in the threshold of childhood and adulthood making their way through strange new worlds, brings us a tale of a group of superpowered outsiders whose extraordinary abilities are the source of loneliness and hurt as they deal with the tragic fate of the cosmos. Yuri, a girl who has dreams that are premonitions, is caught one day by a classmate who realizes her powers. This girl is named Sia, who confesses she has powers as well. Her power is that things she worries about never happen. Meanwhile, five other versions of Yuri descend on her Earth, who warn Yuri that Sia will be responsible for the destruction of her planet just as their versions of Sia had been for theirs. These four Yuris—named Bay, Ryun, Toto, Red, and Jin—each have different powers of their own and have killed the Sia's in their own universes. In these universes in peril, the only way for the Earths to survive is if the Yuri of that universe kills her. But Yuri and Sia attempt to save each other and escape the death that the entire cosmos seems to wish upon Sia.
"If I say it, Sia will worry about it, and so it won't happen."
"Please. Worry about yourself."
Any child beyond the scope of the ordinary, despite their various abilities, often ends up being marginalized by society. THE CHILDREN OF THE RED THREAD are such children. Despite their abilities, or because of them, they are thrust into an unavoidable fate, sacrificing the most precious people in their worlds. But Sia and Yuri will never give each other up. THE CHILDREN OF THE RED THREAD is, in the end, a story of children who played the cards they were dealt in the only ways they could.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=6582



Interpreting Sigmund Freud’s the Interpretation of Dreams

Interpreting Sigmund Freud’s the Interpretation of Dreams

1. Publication Details


Title | Interpreting Sigmund Freud’s the Interpretation of Dreams
Subtitle | Finding Myself in the Unconscious
Author | Kim Seoyoung
Publication Date | 2014-12-15
ISBN | 9788958288138
No. of pages | 296
Dimensions | 135 * 205


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Kang Hyunjoo
Email | kanghjoo@sakyejul.com
Phone | +82-31-955-8600


3. Book Intro


Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams is the centerpiece of psychoanalysis, a book that proposed new perspectives and methods for seeing human life and culture as a whole. It shifted the paradigm of knowledge in the 20th century and influenced not only psychiatry and psychology but philosophy, sociology, education, religion, and cultural theory. Although the book is an essential classic, it's certainly not easy to read. Moreover, Freud's emphasis on sexual desire and certain widespread prejudices, misunderstandings, and criticisms making reading it an even more difficult task. This is a companion book that helps with difficulties understanding Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams.
Part One of of this book provides an overview of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis. The reader can follow this map to approach the core of The Interpretation of Dreams. The second and third parts reorganizes the contents of The Interpretation of Dreams for easy comprehension. Part Two thoughtfully explains the theoretical aspects, and Part Three explores examples of dream analysis introduced in The Interpretation of Dreams. The book is effectively arranged so that readers can first learn the theories and familiarize themselves with dream analysis. Finally, Part Four explains methods for analyzing works of literature and art for application in dream analysis and psychoanalysis.
In The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud presents several examples of dream analysis. There are many examples of his own dreams as well as those of his patients. Because they are case examples of other cultures, however, Korean readers may face difficulty in relating to the dreams. To alleviate this, this book presents examples of dreams that are more familiar to Koreans. For example, this book explores dreams of feces and teeth falling out. It also examines the origins of such dreams and how they can be analyzed. These examples, not found in the original The Interpretation of Dreams book or Freud's teachings, are a testament to the author's dream analysis capabilities and a compelling reason to pick up this book.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=409



Kiwi wants to fly

Kiwi wants to fly

1. Publication Details


Title | Kiwi wants to fly
Author | Moon Jong-Hun
Publisher | slothisland
Publication Date | 2022-07-11
ISBN | 9791197042058
No. of pages | 64
Dimensions | 154 * 218


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Lee so-youn
Email | sloth_island@naver.com
Phone | +82-70-4610-4380


3. Book Intro


The kiwi bird has a new dream.
“I want to fly, too.”
He receives advice and help from flying birds and experiences successes and failures, taking steps toward his dream.
The kiwi’s journey of achieving one seemingly-impossible goal after another.
Dreams can make our hearts beat.
But if unfulfilled, they can plunge us into despair.
The book tells the beautiful story of a kiwi bird and his friends who gladly endure this difficult process in order to fulfill their dream.
It is a story that gives emotional support to children, who have just started their lives, and anyone who is striving to fulfill their dreams.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=6841



Athena and Ares

Athena and Ares

1. Publication Details


Title | Athena and Ares
Author | Shin Hyun, Cho Wonhui
Publisher | Moonji Publishing Co., Ltd.
Publication Date | 2021-05-28
ISBN | 9788932038629
No. of pages | 196
Dimensions | 152 * 210


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Yun SeoHee
Email | copyright@moonji.com
Phone | +82-2-338-7224


3. Book Intro


Legendary jockey Ma Hwarang is the proud father of twins Sena and Luna. Their mother is also a jockey, who received more fair player awards than outright wins, but who nevertheless loves horses and the racetrack. Sena, who has grown up with horses since she was a young girl, dreams of becoming a jockey herself and shares a deep bond with the family's horses; Luna however throws herself into her studies, vowing never to take up the jockey profession. One day, two young foals, Athena and Ares, are born on the ranch, and the family works to train them into the best racehorses. Can the foals, twins like Sena and Luna, both become racehorses? The horses' whinnies that usher in the dawn, the hardworking commitment of the ranch family, the work that goes into cleaning horseshoes, and the faithful diligence of the family give life to the ranch. By interacting with the horses, the children learn that they can communicate not just through words and language, but through gestures and expressions. Every day, they learn that humans aren't the only ones with feelings and hearts. The prose is solid and strong, and the characters are vividly realized. The racehorses, jockeys, horses, and people's lives are beautifully portrayed in a way that is approachable to readers who might not be familiar with the world of racehorses. As such, the book invites readers into a whole new world. Readers can hear the heartbeats of the horses as they run across the meadows. They will laugh and cry with Sena and Luna and take a big leap into the ranch where Athena and Ares were born.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=5619



Asking Dreams for Directions

Asking Dreams for Directions

1. Publication Details


Title | Asking Dreams for Directions
Subtitle | In Search of Inner Possibilities Beyond Trauma
Author | Koh Heakyung
Publisher | Wood Pencil Books
Publication Date | 2016-02-29
ISBN | 9791194347025
No. of pages | 296
Dimensions | 140 * 210



2. Copyright Contact


Name | Lim Younhui
Email | woodpencilbooks@gmail.com
Phone | +82-70-4128-8187


3. Book Intro


A journey through the dreams of people whose minds have been scarred by the May 18 Democratic Uprising
An amazing drama—the discovery of inner strength in the process of facing one’s wounds
How does a historic tragedy leave a scar in one’s mind? And how can we embrace that scar? For a scarred person, life is hell and dreams are nightmares. Thus past scars encroach on the present. The wounds inside one’s mind keep repeating and nothing else comes into view. No one would choose to live that way. But how can one escape? Is there a healthy way to dream of an ordinary daily routine in the present while embracing past scars?
Koh Heakyung, a group projective dream worker, facilitated the dream journeys of seven victims of the May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju over eight occasions. The Gwangju Uprising led to the injury and death of many civilians, and it remains a dark shadow and a scar in the modern history of South Korea. Instead of tales of that May, which our society has repeatedly clung to, the main guests of this book are dreams. In other words, the book shares the journey to the inner realm of these people suffering from social trauma. The group, Dream of May, consisted of members selected by the Gwangju Trauma Center. All had their lives shift direction due to the Gwangju Uprising. More than thirty years have passed, but these people still suffer from comprehensive symptoms, such as nightmares, sleep paralysis, night terrors, sleep-talking, and sleepwalking. Dreams, a mirror reflecting the inner realm of human beings, reveal wounds, but they show a vision beyond the wounds, as well. They show the wounded self, but they also illuminate the self that wants to live despite the injuries. This book shares the rich stories of the people who walked into their inner realm step by step and explored that infinite world.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=2693



Dreams of the Dead

Dreams of the Dead

1. Publication Details


Title | Dreams of the Dead
Author | Bora Chung
Publisher | Paran Imagination
Publication Date | 2022-05-31
ISBN | 9788963719993
No. of pages | 372
Dimensions | 128 * 188


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Yoon Juyeon
Email | jy.yoon@grb-agency.com
Phone | +82-2-2676-2201


3. Book Intro


A woman holding the secret of life, and a man holding the secret of death.
Booker Prize Finalist Chung Bora's Novel.
The eerie story of people who commited unhuman deeds and running into those that are not humans.
Taekyoung, gifted with the ability to see the dead, hears the news that his colleague who used to bully him was killed in a car accident. After the news, Taekyoung suffers from the same nightmare, and the dead colleague follows him around in dreams and reality, pleading with him to uncover the truth surrounding his death.
Seongyeon, born dead, lives an emotionless life. She ran into Taekyoung and lives off of the life energy from Taekyoung who abuses her sexually.
Harrassed by the dead colleague, Taekyoung starts to investigate the case and learns about another woman who was killed in the same car accident. The piece of evidence that he found gradually kills Taekyoung and ruins the people around him. Seongyeon, living off of the warmth from Taekyoung, tries to keep away from him -- who is enchanted by the spirit of the woman burnt to death. However, she finds other men disturbing, and she simply can't give up on Taekyoung.
Seongyeon can't keep turning a blind eye to Taekyoung suffering from the spirits, and she allows herself to be possessed by the woman's spirit. Meanwhile, as the two continue to investigate the case, men in black come to abduct them. When the two barely escape, the wife of the dead man finds the two...
In the process of the investigation, Taekyoung realize that his violence was similar to that of the dead man and faces the truth of life and death.
Eerie throughout the entire volume, this book examines violence and death up-close and discusses those that we must keep away from and be angry at.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=7081



Dream of Becoming Water

Dream of Becoming Water

1. Publication Details


Title | Dream of Becoming Water
Author | Lucid Fall, Suzy Lee
Publisher | Chungaram media
Publication Date | 2020-05-07
ISBN | 9791158711313
No. of pages | 64
Dimensions | 180 * 260


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Shin Sunhang
Email | arui@aruiagency.com
Phone | +82-2-336-3736


3. Book Intro


The long-cherished, beautiful song Dream of Becoming Water has been reborn as a picture book. Dream of Becoming Water by Lucid Fall, often referred to as a “singing poet,” is cited as one of the world’s most beautiful songs due to its beautiful poetic lyrics.
The lyrics, which capture the tranquility and freedom of nature, have grown only deeper combined with the pictures of Lee Suzy. The image of strong, calm, and flexible water is expressed delicately and intensely with watercolors. This book also best describes the expressions of "blue" and "water," which have appeared before in Lee's picture books.
If readers turn the pages while listening to the song using the QR code in the text, they will be able to feel other overwhelming emotions that differ from what can be experienced when only reading the book with their eyes. This is a 5.7-meter-long folding screen picture book with handwritten sheet music drawn by Lucid Fall on the back.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=4064



Easy Guide to Making Macramé Yourself

Easy Guide to Making Macramé Yourself

1. Publication Details


Title | Easy Guide to Making Macramé Yourself
Author | Jo Yeongmi
Publisher | Wisdom House, Inc
Publication Date | 2018-08-29
ISBN | 9791162207192
No. of pages | 244
Dimensions | 207 * 270


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Kwon Julia
Email | ohappyday@wisdomhouse.co.kr
Phone | +82-31-936-4199


3. Book Intro


The book delivers the world's most considerate macramé class that guides you through pages designed to help you easily make your own macramé.
It is an easy macramé guide that can help even those who are trying the western craft of macramé for the first time. It provides instructions from the eyes of a beginner and it features detailed instructions for plant hangers, wall hangings, dream catchers and mobiles. Large images, which remind one of a video, allow the reader to see every single thread, and each instruction is accompanied by detailed explanations and tips. Also, each page has a QR code that directs the reader to a video page to help him or her learn the instruction better. Through exercises for making various items, this book will help the reader to improve basic macramé skills up to the level of being able to build a full piece with one or two techniques only. Take your time to experience the fun of making simple, delicate macramé pieces and the joy of home styling through this book.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=1344





1. Publication Details


Subtitle | 1. The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out , 2. I’m Looking For Regular Customers
Author | Lee Miye
Publisher | Sam & Parkers (Sam & Parkers Co., Ltd.)
Publication Date | 2020-07-08
ISBN | 9791165341909
No. of pages | 300
Dimensions | 136 * 200


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Bae Hyelim
Email | hyelim@smpk.kr
Phone | +82-2-6712-9837


3. Book Intro


Volume 1: 840,000 copies sold, Volume 2: 320,000 copies sold
There is a unique village that can only be entered by sleeping. The most popular place there is called 'Dollergut's Dream Department Store', which collects and sells all kinds of dreams to sleeping customers. People who take long naps, as well as people and animals who take short naps all visit the store. This is a fantasy novel that contains secret episodes weaving interesting characters from the unusual owner 'Dollergut', the unique employees who work next to him, and the dream creators who make dreams. This book has achieved splendid achievements such as the overall Best Top 10 for 75 consecutive weeks upon publication, the best book selected by readers in 2020 and 2021, and the export of copyrights to 13 countries around the world.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=4492



Future Jobs that Only I Want to Know

Future Jobs that Only I Want to Know

1. Publication Details


Title | Future Jobs that Only I Want to Know
Author | Yang Seoyoon
Publisher | GAEAMNAMU
Publication Date | 2019-12-02
ISBN | 9788968305566
No. of pages | 136
Dimensions | 188 * 250


2. Copyright Contact


Name | Eojin Cho
Email | chu9497@gaeamnamu.co.kr
Phone | +82-2-6207-0603


3. Book Intro


Future Jobs that Only I Want to Know delivers the stories of 20 promising future jobs that will be commercialized in the foreseeable future through the mouth of a virtual figure. It also helps children dream bigger and prepare for their future step by step by introducing the necessary knowledge for the job in detail.

* k-book.or.kr/user/books/books_view?idx=2976






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