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I Play, Therefore I Am

























A true story about games that teens should know! - I Play, Therefore I Am

“Just one more match, please?” Teens want to play games!

“Enough is enough!” But parents want them to study hard instead.

Stereotypes about games! "Are games useless? Are Games nothing but harmful?"

Not at all! "Did you know that the top kid in school also plays games and goes to dungeons?"

No longer a mere entertaining diversion – it has become a culture. GAME.

Games are not only fun, they also have the values of humanity in their stories!

Everyone hop in - adults who think all games are bad, and teens who only look for strong stimuli and fun in games. Let’s learn more about games through this book including their history, culture, and influence on modern technology!

A book that enables readers to “level up” in reality while realizing what it means to play “real games.”

A humanities class about games for teens - I Play, Therefore I Am

Written by Lee Dong-Eun, Jaeum & Moeum Publishing Co., Ltd.




#I Play, Therefore I Am#GAME#humanity#Lee Dong-Eun#Jaeum & Moeum Publishing Co., Ltd.
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