게시물 상세



Killer-content Exhibition at the 2023
Bologna Children’s Book Fair




2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지1


2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지2


2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지3


2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지4


2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지5


2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지6


2023년 볼로냐국제아동도서전 킬러콘텐츠 전시관 이미지7



The Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea (KPIPA) has been running the “Killer-content exhibition at international book fairs” project to promote high-quality Korean publishing content and boost copyright export.
This March, we open the “Killer-content Exhibition” at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the biggest book fair where copyrights for children’s books are most actively traded worldwide!


2023 Bologna Children’s Book Fair
March 6 (Mon.) - March 9 (Thu.), 2023 (4 days)
Bologna Fiere
* Scheduled to be held locally in Bologna
Copyright trade of children’s books, seminars, and lectures related to children’s books


A variety of interesting programs joined by Korean writers await you all at the Killer-content Exhibition prepared by KPIPA!
Participate in various valuable programs at the book fair attended by about 5,000 publishers, illustrators, and officials from children - and education-related organizations from around 70 countries!
We ask for your continued interest in the Killer-content Exhibition held at the 2023 Bologna Children’s Book Fair!


If you have any questions, please contact the K-book Content Team at KPIPA.
E-mail: kbook@kpipa.or.kr


Korean Picturebook Illustrators Program






#KPIPA#International Book Fairs#Killer-content#Bologna
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