게시물 상세

Korean Translator


Kang Bang-Hwa






Korean-Japanese translator
Professor at the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (LTI) (literature, video subtitles)


Educational Status


Bachelor of Law, Okayama Shoka University
M.A. in Korean-Japanese Translation, Ehwa Womans University Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation
PhD in Creative Writing, Korea University


Translated Literature


『7년의 밤』 일본어판 표지

『참담한 빛』 일본어판 표지

『지구 끝의 온실』 일본어판 표지

『천개의 파랑』 일본어판 표지

Japanese covers of Seven Years of Darkness, Miserable Light, Greenhouse at the End of the Earth, and A Thousand Blues


『홀』 일본어판 표지

『얼음나무 숲』 일본어판 표지

『누구나 다 아는, 아무도 모르는』 일본어판 표지

『긴긴밤』 일본어판 표지

Japanese covers of The Hole, The Ice Forest, Everyone Knows, Nobody Knows, and Long, Long Night



Seven Years of Darkness (EunHaeng Namu) and The Good Son (EunHaeng Namu) by Jeong You-Jeong
Miserable Light (Changbi) and The Summer Villa (Munhakdongne) by Baik Soulinne
If We Cannot Move at the Speed of Light (Hubble) (co-translation) and Greenhouse at the End of the Earth (Giant Books) by Kim Cho-Yeop
A Thousand Blues (Hubble) by Cheon Seon-Ran
The Hole (Munji Books) by Pyun Hye-Young
My Girlfriend and Girl Friends (Munhakdongne) by Cho Woo-Ri
The Consultant (EunHaeng Namu) by Lim Sung-Soon
The Ice Forest (Goldenbough) by Ha Ji-Eun
Everyone Knows, Nobody Knows (Atnoon Books) by Jung Mi-Jin
Long, Long Night (Munhakdongne) by Luri
Irby (Minumsa) (co-translation) by Kim Hye-Jin
Short Story Collection of Original Korean Literature 1-3 (co-translation)
My Life’s Alibi (from the short story collection My Life’s Alibi (Changbi)) by Gong Sun-Ok
And others


Translated Essays


『사실, 내성적인 사람입니다』 일본어판 표지

『+1cm LOVE』 일본어판 표지

『혼자 잘해주고 상처받지 마라』 일본어판 표지

Japanese covers of I’m Actually an Introvert, 1cm Between You and Me, and Don’t Get Hurt by Being Nice to Them



I’m Actually an Introvert (Book 21) by Nam In-Sook
1cm Between You and Me (Wisdom House) (Japanese title: +1cm LOVE) by Kim Eun-Joo
Don’t Get Hurt by Being Nice to Them (Book 21) by Yoo Eun-Jung and others
And others




#Kang Bang-Hwa#Translator#Korean-Japanese
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