게시물 상세

Green Tangerine
























A heartwarming consolation for those that have gone through puberty and a period of transition in life - Green Tangerine


Turning 9th graders next year, four friends go on a trip to Jeju Island.

On the last day of their trip, they make one special promise and bury it inside a time capsule.

What stories lie behind the unspoken story of the four friends?


"A tangerine that fully ripened hanging on a branch under the abundant sunshine, and a tangerine that grew desperately with the nutrition left in the branch after it was cut off before ripening.

Which tangerine represents you and us?"


We have all went through that “green” time. People all live through the “green” days in life’s wave of high time and low time.

We’ve had tough and lonely days in the past... but those could be overcome because we were together.


New novel by Cho Nam-Joo, the writer of Kim Ji Young, Born 1982.
Green Tangerine
Munhakdongne, 05.28.2020




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