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New Books


The Age of Daughters





















It’s time for girls to support their families. The Age of Daughters
The first full-length novel by Lee Seula, who has been speaking to the hearts of Korean readers through her essays, including Daily Lee Seula.

A beautiful man, an uncommon woman, and a tough young lady present to you a family drama that you have never seen before, A story where daughters who earn a living for their families are the protagonists!

“Daughter in charge of the family (家女長)” refers to all daughters who strive to turn the world upside down while supporting their families.
Patriarchal Matriarchal? It’s now time for daughters to stand up!
This novel features a beautiful yet satisfying revolution that is very unlikely to happen in patriarchal families!

“It would be too much for this short book to be an alternative to patriarchy. I just hope this will be one of many resistance movements.” - From the preface

Every step made by “daughters” creates a path of upheaval and shock.
A story of courageous and loving daughters struggling to change the fate of themselves, their families, and the world!

The struggle of daughters trying to turn the world upside down.
The Age of Daughters
Lee Seula, Storyseller




#Lee Seula#The Age of Daughters#Storyseller#Full-length Novel
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