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The Only One




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A new full-length novel by Choi Jin-Young, winner of the 2023 Yi Sang Literary Award. The Only One
The story of a “life broker,” who borrows the lifespan of a single leaf from a millennia-old tree to save just one person.
If you could save just “one” of the many deaths around you, which would you choose?

Suicide, homicide, accidental and natural deaths... The realistic moments of death that appear in the dreams of 16-year-old Mokhwa.
And then a voice. “The one you choose gets to live.” Mokhwa must now make a choice that has been passed down through generations.
There is only one person that Mokhwa can save. Is this mission for Mokhwa a miraculous gift from God, or a wicked trick of the devil?

“Only humans pray for another’s life. They are in need of God. They hope for a miracle.” - from the book

Life and death, God and salvation, and people and love... A novel with sharp insights into life and the world by Choi Jin-Young, who is now in her 10th year of writing.

There is only one life that you can save from countless deaths:
The Only One
Written by Choi Jin-Young, published by Hankyoreh Publishing Company




#The Only One#Choi Jin-Young#Hankyoreh Publishing Company#Novel
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