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The Strange but Extraordinary Cat Detective Vol. 2

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Gana Publishing Co., Ltd.
Title | The Strange but Extraordinary Cat Detective Vol. 2
Subtitle| Where did mom disappear to?
Author | Ko Heejung
Illustrator | matssssal
Genre | Children’s book
Format | 175×235
Binding | Hard cover
Pages | 128pages
ISBN | 9788957362495
2. Contact
Name | Lee Jungsoon
Phone | +82-70-4398-2221
Email | 94sooni@gmail.com
URL | http://www.ganapub.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Cat detective; mystery story for kids; realistic fiction for kids; mom; family; great detective
Target Readership | Ages 9–12
4. About the Author and Illustrator
Author - Ko Heejung
With deep interest in things happening around the world, Author Ko Heejung enjoys writing stories which are mostly detective fiction involving characters who solve cases by using their creative imagination and reasoning. Her dream is to continue to write books that offer people joy and warmth. As a screenwriter, she wrote for the TV shows Ding Dong Dang Kindergarten; Bboongbboong-E the Fart Master; Tok! Tok! Boni Hani; BboBboBbo; Kkoma Chef; EBS DocuPrime; Capitalism and Parents. She has also released a number of book series, such as Children’s Science Investigator CSI and Toto Math Playground.
Illustrator - matssssal
Illustrator Matssssal likes drawing animals and collecting toys. His works include Super Pretesque Animals and he primarily draws cute but grotesque illustrations. Instagram @matssssal
5. About the Book
A captivating character that will instantly grab your attention!
Solving the second case with the strange but extraordinary detective.
The best detective’s office is always crowded with visitors with all sorts of problems. He comes back to his office one day and groans as he opens the door, twisting his mustache. His clean, neat office has turned into a complete mess! What has happened?Mom is missing! Because mothers are always by our side, we don’t know how much they mean to us.
A story about true family and love.
The two curious invaders who made a complete mess are twin brothers Han Woori and Han Doori. Three days ago, they came home from school and realized that their mother has disappeared. They ask the detective to look for their mom while insisting they be his assistants. But the detective refuses both to take the case and having the twins as assistants. Will the twins be able to become the detective’s assistants and find their mother? The second case of the strange but extraordinary detective now begins!
A Designer’s Way of Thinking: Shift

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Gana Publishing Co., Ltd.
Title | A Designer’s Way of Thinking: Shift
Subtitle | How to Change Perspectives as a Creator
Author | Lee Sangin
Genre | Economy/Business
Format | 135×195
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 320pages
ISBN | 9788957364444
2. Contact
Name | Lee Jungsoon
Phone | +82-70-4398-2221
Email | 94sooni@gmail.com
URL | https://www.ganapub.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Design; designer; planning; thinking; creator; creative thinking
Target Readership| Adults
4. About the Author
Author Lee Sangin is one of the most prominent Korean designers in the digital design scene of the U.S. He worked as the Design Director at the New York Studio of Deloitte Consulting, a global accounting consulting group, and is currently with Microsoft as the Creative Director in charge of design language in the cloud + A.I. division.
He mainly deals with digital transformation, UX/UI, and branding. First as an overseas student, then as a rookie designer in the U.S., and finally as a design director at multinational companies, he has continually written his thoughts about his career, life and viewpoint as a designer on his social media accounts—musings that have been shared over 30,000 times and read by more than 6,000 followers.
5. About the Book
Advice from the “hottest” designer to those striving to become an outstanding creator.
Design insight for all working people.
Young people these days often say that they want to have a “designer’s sense.” That “sense” is what defines the identity of their work and determines the outcome of a business.
The author is a prominent designer in New York and Seattle, cities also known as the “battlefields of creators.” He says that “design thinking” is a capability that will determine the result of any competition today. He reveals everything about his way of viewing and resolving a problem, allowing readers to steal the viewpoint and thought process of Creative Director Lee Sangin, one of the most popular designers/planners in the U.S. digital design scene.
Designers wonder about the properties of matter while watching Avengers, and they examine the design flow and branding while drinking a cup of coffee. They think about the image-making and the thought process of message receivers during a presidential election. When new technology emerges, they sketch the optimal user experience. Suggesting the next step to companies and finding common ground with new generations is all part of a designers’ job, as designers are the ones who bridge the gap between developers and users.
We are living in an era where all working people must have a designer’s sense. This is the one and only book that views “design” as a “capability,” not a mere job position, explaining how a designer views the world and produces outcomes.

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Gana Publishing Co., Ltd.
Title | Hudult
Subtitle| Our Story – Not Ready to Be Called Adults
Author| BOTA
Genre| Literature
Format| 136×188
Binding | Hard cover
Pages| 272pages
ISBN | 9788957360262
2. Contact
Name | Lee Youngeun
Phone | +82-70-4398-2221
Email | 94sooni@gmail.com
URL | https://www.ganapub.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Webtoon; Age thirty/thirties; Work; Relationships; Comfort; Four-panel comic strip.
Target Readership | Adults
4. About the Author
‘BOTA’ is the name of a project.
A couple of friends who met at work came together and started a fun project, that is, serially publishing Hudult, a four-panel webtoon.
They illustrated their own stories without much expectation, but it became a huge hit from the very first episode, praised as a webtoon that people can relate to and find comfort from.
Published twice a week for two years already, it has reached its 200th episode and finally been compiled into a book.
When someone asks, I’m planning to say I did all the good ones, and others did the bad ones.
5. About the Book
Are we mature enough to be called an adult when we turn thirty? But at the same time, isn’t age thirty too old to say that we are still young?
A webtoon that people in their thirties can deeply relate to as they go through a tunnel of instability and anxiety.
Hudult, a webtoon posted serially on web portals (Naver, Daum), Facebook and Instagram, is now published as a book. Through characters Hyeseon and Sanggyu, who are around thirty, the book effectively captures problems related to romance, relationships, career, age and life, which people around that age might have, using witty, not-too-exaggerated illustrations and short speeches. As soon as it was published, the comic strip received immense attention and was selected as the “Best Webtoon”.
It’s the simple storyline and theme that readers—especially working people in their thirties—welcomed, as it stuck out in the midst of most webtoons that presented provocative and extreme subjects. The book version carries, besides the 200 episodes, additional illustrations describing the in-depth stories of main characters that was difficult to express in a four-panel format, which makes it all the more meaningful to keep it on your shelf.
The book uses a four-panel format to depict in a gentle and sympathetic tone the problems that people around thirty might have, leaving a lingering emotion inside us when we finish the book and making us wonder, “what if this happened to me?” The characters that have similar concerns are another factor that draws readers to the story. People around thirty struggling with their work life, relationships and romance will be able to find the book comforting and relatable.
Is This the Life You Wanted?

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Gana Publishing Co., Ltd.
Title | Is This the Life You Wanted?
Subtitle | Eco Feminism: How to Live a Simple Life
Author | Korea Eco Feminist Association
Genre | Humanities/Social Science
Format | 170×240
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 218pages
ISBN | 9788957360132
2. Contact
Name | Lee Jungsoon
Phone | +82-70-4398-2221
Email | 94sooni@gmail.com
URL | https://www.ganapub.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Environment; Feminism; Women; Nature
Target Readership |Adults
4. About the Author
Organized in 1999, Korea Eco Feminist Association strives to find ecological solutions from an eco-feminist perspective and build an equal, sustainable green society. The Association has expanded body diversity activities across society through the campaign “How I look? So what?” which involves body diversity education/camp for teenagers, conferences, and film parties. It also raised the issue of potential harmful impacts of sanitary pads, working to produce “safe pads” and transform menstruation culture. Its books include Living Okay in a Not-So-Okay World; How I look? So What?; Consume Less and Exist More; School Kitchen Garden with Dreams of Nature; and Handmade Sanitary Pads.
5. About the Book
“A story of people trying to lead a good life in a not-so-good world.”
“Can we continue to live like this? Can future generations survive on Earth?” The eco feminist movement started from these questions as a cultural paradigm that seeks to build equal relationships between humans and humans, and humans and nature in modern society, where humans destroy nature, men dominate women, and humans live in competition and greed.
Eco-feminists criticize androcentrism and the development-centric thinking of the ruling class, stand against global conglomerates’ destructive activities, and search for actions we can take at this moment for women, developing countries, and ecology, all alienated from—or sacrificed for—development. This book sheds light on eco-feminism, something we must know for sustainable development, as well as the Korea Eco Feminist Association which has made endeavors for eco-feminism, ecologism, egalitarianism, and feminism to rake root in our society over the past 20 years. Moreover, it makes detailed suggestions that we can put into action right away and persuades readers to build a society in which ecology and humans, and preservation and development can go hand in hand.
I’m Worried about My Social Skills

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Humanist Publishing Group Inc.
Title | I’m Worried about My Social Skills
Author| Chang Dae-ik
Genre | Science/technology
Format | 128×188
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 192pages
ISBN | 9791160802825
2. Contact
Name | Kim Ju-won
Phone | +82-70-7842-9401
Email | kjw2001@humanistbooks.com
URL | http://www.humanistbooks.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Science; evolution theory; sociality; relationship; solitude
Target Readership | Adults
4. About the Author
Author Chang Dae-ik, a professor at Seoul National University’s College of Liberal Studies, has engaged in a broad variety of intellectual pursuits in multiple fields, including academics, culture and industry as an evolutionary scientist studying the evolution of sociality. He is interested in how humans’ empathy skills may evolve in the era of artificial intelligence. He received the 11th Korea Science Culture Award and wrote Ultra Social; Darwin’s Table; Darwin’s Library; Darwin’s Garden; and War of Religions (co-author). He also co-translated Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species and Edward O. Wilson’s Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge.
5. About the Book
I want to be alone, but I don’t want to be alone.
To me, science can sometimes lend a comforting hand.
A lonesome scientist’s counseling on social skills
It feels like I’m alone even when I’m with family, friends and co-workers. I want to stand proud and confident in this world, but in reality, I try my best to be loved by all the people I know. In fact, when we come back home at the end of the day and go to bed, we are all alone. Then why are we struggling with complex human relationships? In I’m Worried about My Social Skills, evolutionary scientist Chang Dae-ik talks about “sociality,” one of the biggest concerns of people living in this world today, where the development of media and technology has further complicated society. He takes his studies on human sociality to offer a friendly explanation about some of the common issues people might have. As science reveals more about human nature, we can understand ourselves better and find comfort in our lives, where we are exhausted by countless relationships.
‘Scientist’ and ‘sociality’ don’t seem compatible at a glance, but scientists like Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory who lack social skills are in fact the real rare breed. Then why is the author calling himself “a lonesome scientist”? It’s because, while he used to believe himself to be an extremely social individual, he realized that he, too, has a timid side within himself which makes him worry that students might spot him eating alone, want to get out of gatherings with strangers, and grapple with his own sociality.
Evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar says no matter how complex society becomes and how much social media expands, one can maintain relationships with only up to 150 people. This is based on a hypothesis about the maximum number of relationships that our brain can accept. Countless relationships are exhausting because the capacity of our brain hasn’t changed, but we are trying harder to keep our social channels. That is why we need “time for voluntary solitude.” When things don’t work out as you intended, why don’t you go talk to a scientist rather than a fortuneteller? Science has studied the sociality of humans far deeper than we can imagine.
Curious about My Body, not the Baby

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Humanist Publishing Group Inc.
Title | Curious about My Body, not the Baby
Subtitle| A science journalist’s firsthand observation of pregnancy
Author | Woo Ah-Young
Genre | Science/technology
Format | 135×200
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 304pages
ISBN | 9791160802931
2. Contact
Name | Kim Ju-won
Phone | +82-70-7842-9401
Email | kjw2001@humanistbooks.com
URL | http://www.humanistbooks.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Science; Medicine; Pregnancy; Women; Feminism
Target Readership | Adults
4. About the Author
Author Woo Ah-Young is a science journalist who worked at Donga Science for five years making the science magazine Science Donga, and who has been running her own YouTube channel “Lady Who Reads Science” for a year, through which she communicates with those who subscribe to the magazine or the channel. Woo graduated from Korea University’s School of Mechanical Engineering and studied fuel cells in the graduate school of the same university. She received the Korea Science Journalist of the Month Award from the Korea Science Journalists Association in January 2017 for her article about firefighters’ struggles to find scientific reasons for ignition.
5. About the Book
Unexpected changes during pregnancy
Want to know the real reasons, and not the truism “it’s because you are pregnant”?
Curious about My Body, not the Baby is a science essay that focuses on pregnant women—their physical changes and side effects—instead of the fetus. The doctor says everything is “normal,” but why is this so painful? What studies have scientists conducted on pregnancy? Are the stories passed about online scientifically accurate? This book is a record of the author’s struggles to answer the questions as a former science journalist. She divides the symptoms and issues she faced during pregnancy into 24 categories.
Breasts are sore, and morning sickness hits you like the worst hangover ever. The tailbone hurts, and stretch marks appear right at the center of your belly like a seam of a stuffed doll. Even the smallest moves make you pant. In the early stages, you want to sleep regardless of time or location but in the third trimester, you can’t fall asleep easily. As time goes by, new symptoms arise. You describe the pain to the doctor, and all you get is the answer: “it happens.” No further explanation. Pain that you must endure without understanding the reasons causes anxiety that is as serious as the physical pain itself. The author talks about her own experience in a pleasant tone, offering scientific evidence necessary to understand “pregnancy.”
The book carries a variety of stories that give clear-cut answers and information to those who were or are pregnant. If you are getting ready to have a baby, it can be a guide that tells you what to expect in the future. Pregnant women hope that people close to them understand their difficulties and issues. This book is a must to know what pregnant women are faced with, and to speak out properly as a member of the community when pregnancy-related policies and institutions are discussed.
I'm depressed because of Australopithecus

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Humanist Publishing Group Inc.
Title | I'm depressed because of Australopithecus
Author | Park Hanson
Genre | Humanities/Social science
Format | 135×200
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 252pages
ISBN | 9791160801736
2. Contact
Name | Jun Doo Hyun
Phone | +82-70-7842-9404
Email | jdh2001@humanistbooks.com
URL | http://www.humanistbooks.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Humanities; Anthropology; Neuroanthropology; Psychiatry; Psychology; Evolution theory; Mind
Target Readership | Adults
4. About the Author
Author Park Hanson is a psychiatrist and neuroanthropologist studying the evolution of human minds as a researcher at the Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies of the Seoul National University. He earned his B.A and M.A in Medicine from Kyung Hee University, a second M.A from ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences, and a Ph.D in Neuroanthropology from Seoul National University. His books include Seven Steps from the Mind.
5. About the Book
Why do human minds struggle so much? Why are they so weak?
Psychiatrist/Neuroanthropologist Park Hanson’s story about the evolution of human minds
Neuroanthropology is not a term with which ordinary people are familiar. As the name suggests, it’s a branch of anthropology covering multiple fields of academics including neurobiology, evolutionary biology, psychology, psychiatry, population genetics, behavioral ecology, cognitive science and ethnography. Neuroanthropology is the study of mental phenomena of humans. It aims to find out what sort of biological evolution and acculturation our minds have gone through to become what they are today. In other words, it explores why our minds are so full of weaknesses; why we love, hate, and become jealous; why we experience a variety of emotions with families; and why we cooperate, deceive and come into conflict in a group.
The book delves into the reason behind our weak minds from a neuroanthropological perspective. What story will it tell us? Neuroanthropology examines the secret to our minds—taking into account the long process of human evolution and numerous social/biological conditions—to reveal not only “how” our minds work but also “why” they work that way. For instance, to explain why some people are obsessed with social media, it uses an evolutionary hypothesis that individuals who receive more social attention enjoy an advantage in reproduction. The author suggests that people today still seek attention from others as social attention leads to a “public opinion” and determines important decisions. Furthermore, he attempts to approach human minds from different angles to find the truth, presenting quantitative and qualitative strategies to gain attention, as well as group differentiation that follows accordingly.
The Trials That Shaped World History

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Humanist Publishing Group Inc.
Title | The Trials That Shaped World History
Subtitle | Histrocial Trials Seleted By A Judge
Author | Park Hyung-Nam
Genre | Humanities
Format | 152×225
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 408pages
ISBN | 9791160801484
2. Contact
Name | Kim Ju-won
Phone | +82-70-7842-9401
Email | kjw2001@humanistbooks.com
URL | http://www.humanistbooks.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Law: Trial: Verdict; Judge; History; Progress
Target Readership | Adult
4. About the Author
Park graduated from Seoul National University’s School of Law and began his career as a judge at the Seoul Central District Court. He endeavors to listen to those involved in every case and search for the fundamental cause behind each conflict. He is currently a judge presiding over fair trade and labor administration cases at the Seoul High Court.
Having always been interested in history and the field of humanities, Park started writing about a year ago to introduce famous trials in world history to readers, students and junior colleagues in the legal profession. His hope is that such stories of trials and legal matter will be told and known to those outside of the courtrooms.
5. About the Book
The world has evolved one trial at a time!
There have been many books introducing trials of monumental importance. All of these books have their own merits, but most are written either taking a certain point of view or for a simply entertaining read. There have not been many that relate such trials to the various issues of Korean society. The author, a judge for over 30 years has carefully curated a selection of trials of historical importance and used them as a mirror to hold up to the current state of Korean society.
This book is more than just an introduction of historical trials. It stands out in that it endeavors to interpret such trials to find how they influence our current times, through the eyes of a working member of the field. Whether the reader is reading for pleasure or for reference, those living in the realm of the law, in other words, everyone, will come to understand that trials are greatly connected to what goes on in society.
In this book, trials that show us the conflicts and issues of societies from ancient Athens to current U.S. have been selected. These range from political (the Catiline trial, the trial of Charles I, Marbury v. Madison), to financial (Lochner v. New York), to important social issues (the Socrates trial, the Dreyfus affair, the Eichmann trial, Miranda v. Arizona), to cultural (the case of Dred Scott, Brown v. Board of Education), to religious (the trial of Sir Thomas More, Galileo Galilei, the Salem witch trials), and also gender issues (the trial of Martin Guerre, the trial of Pankhurst). These trials are the ones where social polarity and conflict have bared themselves or exploded, and were subsequently followed by debate or evaluation afterwards, and some even led to a new solution.
On the other spectrum, the book also introduces trials of innocent people who have been unjustly misjudged. This is to take another look at history’s errors, and be reminded of the reason so that history does not repeat itself. Trials continue and history records them. If you were a judge who had to make a landmark decision, what would it be?
The European Modern Intellectual History

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Humanist Publishing Group Inc.
Title | The European Modern Intellectual History
Subtitle | From Bacon to Foucault, How Power-Knoweldge Has Ruled the World
Author | Yook YoungSoo
Genre | Humanities
Format | 150×220
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 416pages
ISBN | 9791160802979
2. Contact
Name | Kim Ju-won
Phone | +82-70-7842-9401
Email | kjw2001@humanistbooks.com
URL | http://www.humanistbooks.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | History; Philosophy; Intellectual History; Modern; Modernity; Power-Knoweldge; Will to Power
Target Readership | Adult
4. About the Author
A professor in the dept. of History at Chung-Ang University., Yook YoungSoo graduated from Hanyang University with a major in English language & literature, and studied history at the University of Colorado and received his master’s and doctoral degree at the University of Washington. He majored in Saint-Simonianism, and minored in modern British history, history of the French revolution, and modern Korean history. He served as the President of The Korean Workshop for the History of Culture and is currently the 53rd President of The Korean Society for Western History. His books include The History of Books and Reading and The Betrayal of Revolution, Memories of Resistance, and has co-written Postmodernism and Historical Studies, The Century of Historical Studies, Humans of Memory Homo Memoris, A Transnational research of Historical Studies, and How Memory Recreates History, etc.
5. About the Book
The history of Western philosophy which promised development and prosperity,
A close look at the will to power hidden behind the scenes!
European Modern Intellectual History explains modern European philosophy from a postcolonial perspective. The book takes you through modern European scholars such as Francis Bacon, Voltaire, Jeremy Bentham, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Michel Foucault and looks at their philosophies in the context of the times. It presents a clear picture of how Western philosophy which sculpted the world we live in today was created based on “will to power,” and how even the most critical philosophers were deeply caught in the illusion of universality.
The book places emphasis on the interaction between colonies and modernity. The process of how scholars of Joseon, during the Japanese colonization period, accepted Nietzsche is a good example. Despite the darkness that was Japan’s colonial rule, the scholars of Joseon dreamt of an ideological revolution through Nietzsche. They read Nietzsche as a prophet of Cheondoism or considered him the central figure of Lebensphilosophie that would help them overcome the crisis. The introduction of Nietzsche to colonial Joseon simultaneously shows the limitations of the nation, as Western philosophy could only be imported through the Empire of Japan. At the same time, it shows the efforts to interpret Nietzsche as a resource for social reform.
The book’s author, professor Yook Youngsoo, is a long-time researcher of modern history of Western philosophy, including the age of enlightenment and the French revolution. Yook maintains a viewpoint that is from the sidelines rather than a central standpoint as he brings together history, philosophy and ideologies together to interpret the grand flow of the history of modern European philosophy. Yook tries to escape a Eurocentric perspective and offers a telling of history through a postcolonial and gender perspective. Such insight about how the philosophies of “the great thinkers” were shaped through historical context and limitations, will allow readers to become more than just informed, but to take on their true lead roles in history.
Chemist in My House

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Humanist Publishing Group Inc.
Title | Chemist in My House
Subtitle | Professor Kim Min-Kyung’s Story of Chemistry in our Lives
Author | Kim Min-Kyung
Genre | Science/Technology
Format | 150×220
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 248pages
ISBN | 9791160802160
2. Contact
Name | Kim Ju-won
Phone | +82-70-7842-9401
Email | kjw2001@humanistbooks.com
URL | http://www.humanistbooks.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Science; Environment; Ecology; Chemistry; Safety; Daily life
Target Readership | Adults
4. About the Author
Author Kim Min-Kyung earned her B.A in Chemical Engineering from Hanyang University, where she also earned her M.A and Ph.D. Later, she moved on to Washington State University for a postdoctoral course in chemical/environmental engineering. She’s been teaching at Hanyang University since 2009 and has been selected as the “best teacher” by the students every single year. She received the Renowned Lecturer Award from Hanyang University in 2014, and her lecture “Chemistry in Everyday Life” was chosen as the Korea-Massive Open Online Course by the Ministry of Education.
5. About the Book
If you understand chemistry (theory), you can see chemistry (risk)!
Professor/walking chemistry encyclopedia Kim Min-Kyung’s story of chemistry
Issues and accidents caused by chemicals happen one after another in Korea, from humidifier sterilizers that led to heavy casualties, to pesticides found in eggs, and sanitary pads and mattresses containing carcinogens and radon… Terms such as “controversial,” “toxic chemicals,” and “detected” appear every day on internet portals and in newspapers, and parents struggle to choose the right products for their children. We live extremely close to chemicals throughout the day, from when we wake up in the morning to wash our faces and brush our teeth, until we go to bed at night. Chemicals are absolutely necessary in our lives, but how should we treat them if they can be a danger?
Chemist in My House is an essay-like book offering a friendly explanation about chemistry, which might ordinarily sound too complicated to understand. The book was inspired from the author’s lectures for humanities students, “Chemistry in Everyday Life”, at Hanyang University. She has become popular on social media as a “walking chemistry encyclopedia” and was selected by students as the “best teacher” every single year thanks to her outstanding teaching skills.
How should we approach people who don’t like or know well about chemistry and help them understand better? The answer is simple. We can explain the principles by using everyday chemicals as examples. All readers, including you, can live a safer life by becoming “the chemist in my house” through this book, while broadening your knowledge of chemistry, including neutralization reactions, osmosis, and global warming (climate change).
The Afternoon is the Future for Those Who Live in the Morning

1. Publication Details
Imprint | SANZINI
Title | The Afternoon is the Future for Those Who Live in the Morning
Subtitle| Values that help people hang on to their life
Author | Lee Kookhwan
Genre | Literature
Format | 145×210
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 232pages
ISBN | 9788965456230
2. Contact
Name | Kang Sugeul
Phone | +82-051-504-7070
Email | sanzini@sanzinibook.com
URL | https://sanzinibook.tistory.com/
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Reading; Writing; Art
4. About the Author
Lee Kookhwan is a professor in the department of Korean Literature at Donga University and teaches reading and writing. His two most important encounters in life are literature and his wife. Before he met her, he interacted with the world through books but now it is people that teaches him what life is about. He was born introverted and therefore he likes to be by himself; books, films, and music are what make him happy. He was quite fortunate to have one of his writings published as a textbook for middle school, thereby making his name known in many places. Through newspaper, radio, television, and library newsletters, he does the introduction to diverse books. He values the importance of reading as education; consequently, he started a major in education through reading in the graduate school of education where he works as the professor in charge since 2019. He would like to devote the rest of his life to reading and writing.
5. About the Book
“What is the reason for us to put up with life in the midst of inescapable anxiety, pain, sorrow, fatigue, and the dreariness?”
This book contains writing that will help people go on with their lives with meaning. The author expounds on the burden of life gleaned from art and philosophy, his love of reading and writing, the importance of a persevering life amidst fear and pain, and the significance of co-existing with other people. The true meaning of life can be discovered not in following a predetermined path but to struggle and meander to find one’s own way. The book whispers comforting words to people whose days are steeped in confusion and apprehensiveness but still faithfully trudge along in life—that their future can be turned around.
The author confesses in the book, “I always questioned what life was about but reading made me realize that every day was different and each day could be joyful.” Writing, he adds, also made his life complete. That is the reason he never shirked off reading and writing on a daily basis, and even after becoming a professor, he has emphasized to his students the joy of reading and the need for writing. He was chosen as a most popular teacher for a number of reasons; one, he helped students transform their lives through these two activities, rather than offering antiquated moral discourses. In his books, Reading Together, Dismantling the Heart’s Barrier, Reading, Man’s Best Activity, Ethos, Writing That Will Change One’s Life and Reading, A Journey of Empathy and Self-Understanding, the author encourages readers to approach reading and writing from their own experience—for that is the most certain way one can enrich life and give meaning to it.
His experiences that he talks about sound ordinary; however, what he gained from it is anything but that, for it is refreshing and solid. He tells readers that stress and anxiety are not necessarily bad, for they can be the source of what turns life around. If one does not fear loneliness, then one will learn to appreciate solitude. In the book, readers will meet a man who has released all tension from life, subsequently looking at and around himself to reach a simple but deep truth that he shares with everyone.
The Blue Light from the Ruins

1. Publication Details
Imprint | SANZINI
Title | The Blue Light from the Ruins
Author | Gu Moryong
Genre | Literary Criticism
Format | 152×225
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 472pages
ISBN | 9788965456292
2. Contact
Name | Kang Sugeul
Phone | +82-051-504-7070
Email | sanzini@sanzinibook.com
URL | https://sanzinibook.tistory.com/
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Criticism; Regional Literature; Korean Literature
4. About the Author
Gu Moryong was born in Milyang in 1959. He majored in literary criticism in college and did graduate work in it. He made his debut as a literary critic when his writing, “Moral Entireism-Kim Soo-young’s Literary World,” won him the Chosun Daily New Writer’s Prize in 1982. He wrote for the mook, “Horizon,” the critical quarterly Literary Criticism of the Day, and the poetry quarterly, Newborn. Gu Mo-ryong has expanded the cultural and literary horizon through his multi-layered epistemology of a provincial-regional-global framework. He is the author of “Literature of the Afflicted Generation,” “Literature of Concrete Life and Formation,” “Criticism of Korean Literature and the Open System,” “Newborn Literature,” “The Experience of Literature and Modernity,” “A Poetical Theory of Nature,” “Regional Literature and Peripheral Views,” “The Advocacy of a City,” “Emotional and Ethical” “East Asia in Modern Literature,” “The Coastal Scenery,” “Beyond Metaphor” and “Synecdoche.” He is the co-author of “A Poet’s Notebook,” “Art and Life,” and “Study of Baek Sinae.” Since 1993, he has been a professor in the Department of East Asian Studies at Korea Maritime and Ocean University.
5. About the Book
The critic, Gu Moryong, has explored a much more realistic and concrete literary orientation in his diverse theses and criticism. In his new book, he presents a viewpoint that will help readers understand twenty-first century Korean and regional literature.
The author states, “Literature and literary criticism are but a sacrificial prey on the altar of capital, and not going along with it as entertainment but relying on the fragility of its earnestness and enduring the times of its ruination has been my lot for a long time...” Although that is the condition of literature and literary criticism of the present era, he does not in any possible way, talk about resigning or giving into the dominant trend. In fact, he emphasizes that it was the time of its ruins that helped him nurture and strengthen the value of literature, thereby foretelling the possibility of resurrecting hopeful literature and criticism.
Gu Moryong has pondered about the role of a literary critic who resides not in the central but a regional part of the country. While he has experienced the authoritarianism of centralism and the potential of the provincial towns in the midst of the social change taking place in 1980s, he took a stance that the regional issues can only be ancillary before the crucial tasks in Korean society as a whole. But with the dissolution of the Cold War politics and the advent of the capitalist era on a global scale, he had to reconsider his position.
The regional area became the periphery and its literature displayed the phenomenon of imitating the central trends, “like the dissolution of the Colonial modernist who sought the Western image about to sink and could only return to the traditional way.” The author who is quite wary of this manifestation, states, “It is similar to being forgetful of one’s origin and accepting the misguided direction of going along with the centralism.”
But at the same time, he argues that the regional literature has been alienated from the central in terms of the capital and the system, yet, this cannot be defining factor of it. Because that is what shapes its identity, then the regional literature will put the blame for its backward state on the external factors. The author shows his effort not to be entrapped by this dichotomy and strives to form a new perspective from a regional stance or periphery.
The regional literature has succeeded in not being ensnared by the conflicting dichotomies of modern versus tradition, central versus periphery, modernity versus coloniality, West versus East, and civilization versus nature. Instead, it has set its premise as the realm of productivity and hope. The direction of regional literary criticism that the author aspires for does not appear too remote from it.
Four Minutes After the Boiling Point

1. Publication Details
Imprint | SANZINI
Title | Four Minutes After the Boiling Point
Subtitle| Anthology of Jung Woolyun's Short Stories
Author | Jung Woolyun
Genre | Literature
Format | 135×205
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 240pages
ISBN | 9788965456285
2. Contact
Name | Kang Sugeul
Phone | +82-051-504-7070
Email | sanzini@sanzinibook.com
URL | https://sanzinibook.tistory.com/
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Novel; Short Story; Coming-of-Age; Love
4. About the Author
Jung Woolyun made a debut as a writer when she won the Kookje Daily New Writer’s Award in 1996. She won the 5th Busan Literature Award with “Amethyst Necklace” in 2000 and the 4th Busan Writer’s Award with “Empty House.” After she published a collection of essays, Guten Tag, Ms. Dongbaek in 2017, she has devotes herself to writing novels.
5. About the Book
The narrator of the book by Jung Woolyun has multitudinous points of views. She is sometimes an innocent child, at times a middle-aged woman who is weary from the constant bickering of her husband, or a youth with her friend. They are all in one way or another an aspect of ourselves when we are at a point of boiling, if not before and after it. Reading her book makes readers reflect on the meaning and futility of those four minutes in life and love.
The title story, “Four Minutes After the Boiling Point,” tells the story of a college lecturer and the protagonist and their love which is passionate but fruitless after the blazing four minutes. The two characters initially become intimate with their shared experience of pain from abuse but they begin to grow apart. As the narrative follows the protagonist’s waning feelings, it is overlapped with her father’s life, which is close to coming to an end in a convalescent home. His life is expressed as “after four minutes,” and makes readers reflect on the loneliness of it, with the passing of one’s peak.
The author’s somber attitude toward life is also apparent in “Enticement of the First Time,” which delineates a day of an eighty-eight-year-old man who lives by himself. He exists outside the boundary of life and death and is steeped in inertia. He is thinking that the only appealing moment left to him is now the time of his death. The protagonist looks into the old man’s boredom and contemplates on her own life.
“Pain” is a story about the wife of a sculptor husband who lives a scarred life from the war. In the beginning, they loved each other so much that the other’s mere existence put a happy smile on their faces but as time passed, their traumas come to the surface and they grow to pity then hate each other. The author tells the story of people who have gone through their most passionate times and invites the reader to ruminate about one’s own traces of life.
The next story, “Mallae” focuses on the development of youth. It is told from the point of view of a child who writes love letters for a maid, Mallae, in the neighborhood. She is a witness to Mallae’s unfortunate life and becomes entangled in it; however, she in the end outgrows it and grows up. “Taming the Crow” is also about the growing pains of adolescent girls and the ensuing times of their lives.
While the author ruminates about the growth of the adolescents, she also looks back on her own development from the perspective of the present in the story, “Us.” She recalls her days of high school through an incident that happens at a reunion of the B Girls’ School of Commerce. “We” have all become middle-aged woman, yet they miss the bygone times and view those lonely and turbulent days with a positive attitude.
The last story in the anthology, “Full Load, is based on an actual incident. It is about a captain who is returning from the Indian Ocean with a full load of tuna. He rescues ninety-six Vietnamese refugees on a boat after dismissing the government and the company directive that he should ignore them. It delves into the inner conflict of the captain and who described saving the ninety-six lives as having achieved a true “full load.”
Food Pleasure

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Yemundang
Title | Food Pleasure
Subtitle | Where Does the Pleasure of Flavor Come From?
Author | Choi Nak-Eon
Genre | Scientific technology
Format | 152×225
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 376pages
ISBN | 9788970016917
2. Contact
Name | Lim Young-Hun
Phone | +82-2-2243-4333
Email | master@yemundang.com
URL | http://yemundang.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Flavor; sense of taste; olfactory sense; dopamine; neuroscience; evolution; gastronomy
Target Readership | for adults
4. About the Author
Choi Nak-Eon studied food engineering at Seoul National University as an undergraduate and graduate student. In December 1988, he joined Haetae Confectionery & Foods Co., Ltd. and worked in the basic research team and the ice cream development team. In 2000, he began to do research on ingredients and flavoring at Seoul Perfumery, and in 2013, he began to write about food at Sias. He is currently the head of ezFoodinfo. His works include Breaking the Code of the GMO Controversy; A Logical Way of Thinking about Food; What is Flavor? The Real Story of Food Additives; The Story of Flavors and MSG; Senses, Delusions, and Hallucinations; Glutamic Acid, the All-round Worker in My Body; Food Texture; and Food Pleasure.
5. About the Book
In this book, flavor is interpreted in a completely new, scientific way.
People generally think that the study of flavor belongs to the area of humanities or sensibility. Flavor isn’t usually discussed in scientific terms, and theories on flavor are virtually nonexistent. Food science and cooking deal with ingredients and processing methods, but they do not explain how or why these things give flavor to food.
Based on his 25-year experience in the food industry, the author has written this book from the perspective of food science, physiology, neuroscience, history, and evolutionary psychology, in order to resolve misunderstandings about the sense of taste and the olfactory sense, and to provide a more comprehensive theory on flavor than has been given in the past. Understanding flavor is not just a means for pleasure—it’s a way to understand ourselves, because in order to understand flavor, we must understand how the sensory organs in our bodies, as well as our brains, work.
Food Texture

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Yemundang
Title | Food Texture
Subtitle| Understanding the Science of Food through Pictures
Author | Choi Nak-Eon
Genre | Scientific technology
Format | 188×257
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 364pages
ISBN | 9788970016917
2. Contact
Name | Lim Young-Hun
Phone | +82-2-2243-4333
Email | master@yemundang.com
URL | http://yemundang.com
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Taste; food; texture; thickening; emulsification; gelation; viscosity; sauce
Target Readership | for adults
4. About the Author
Choi Nak-Eon studied food engineering at Seoul National University as an undergraduate and graduate student. In December 1988 he joined Haetae Confectionery & Foods Co., Ltd. and worked in the basic research team and the ice cream development team. In 2000, he began to do research on ingredients and flavoring at Seoul Perfumery, and in 2013, he began to write about food at Sias. He is currently the head of ezFoodinfo. His works include Breaking the Code of the GMO Controversy; A Logical Way of Thinking about Food; What is Flavor? The Real Story of Food Additives; The Story of Flavors and MSG; Senses, Delusions, and Hallucinations; Glutamic Acid, the All-round Worker in My Body; Food Texture; and Food Pleasure.
5. About the Book
Texture is the key to taste.
There has never been a greater interest in the flavor of food, with new recipies emerging everywhere; not many people, however, would readily agree that texture is the key to taste. Texture has a direct influence on how food looks (sense of sight), tastes (sense of taste), and smells (olfactory sense), as well as the sound it makes (sense of hearing). Only texture influences all five senses.
Just changing the texture of the same ingredient can result in different food products. The technology of texture, applicable to all kinds of food, is quite useful when understood—though it isn’t easy to study, as there isn’t sufficient interest in texture, and even if there was, there isn’t much material or training to be found on the subject.
This book, the third in the series that includes Food Pleasure and The Principle of Texture, has more in-depth information on texture that can be used in food preparation. Understanding the common principles and the individual technologies in detail will help you find solutions to problems you may face in product development and production.
Crimson Rose

1. Publication Details
Imprint | Kindssoft Inc. Da vinchi Books
Title | Crimson Rose
Author | Kyeongil Jeon
Genre | Literature
Format | 145×210
Binding | Paperback
Pages | 1314pages
ISBN | 9791185962115
2. Contact
Name | MinKyung Lee
Phone | +82-2-533-3582
Email | humanity@kindssoft.com
URL | https://www.humanity.kr/794
3. Marketing Information
Keyword | Indiana Jones, Roy Chapman Andrews; Ulsan, Joseon; Jangsaengpo Whale-hunting; Japanese Imperialist Whale-hunting Industry; Korean Gray Whale
Target Readership | Age 20 Years or Older
4. About the Author
Jeon Kyeongil made his debut as a writer in 1999 with World Literature. He is the author of close to forty books that incorporate literary contemplation and humanist ethos. His books include Marilyn and Two Men; it is about the timeless icon, Marilyn Monroe who appears as the character in the setting of the Korean War and the ideological conflict of men; The Korean Man is a voluminous work about human desire and redemption told through the story of Peter Paul Rubens’ art; and a best-selling book of essays, To Live as a Forty-Year-Old Man. His other books are To Do Drawings about the life and art spirit of a Joseon painter; The New Invasion of Japan, a book that chronicles late modern development; and Enticement of the Humanities, a book that presents insight from the perspective of humanities.
5. About the Book
Roy Chapman Andrews was a model for Indiana Jones in Steven Spielberg’s film. He worked as a curator for the American Museum of Natural History in the U.SA. and in 1912 when Joseon Korea was annexed by Japan, he visited the Jangsaengpo Whale Hunting Site in Ulsan, Korea. He spent forty-eight days there, investigating and doing research on the gray whale, and then assembling the skeletal frame as part of his assignment. He came to Korea without any knowledge of Joseon Korea but just to study the gray whale that had gone extinct around the American East coast from excessive hunting. His purpose was to obtain a skeletal frame of the whale to bring back to the American Museum of Natural History for display. However, he ended up witnessing the brutal massacre of the whales by the Japanese and the difficult struggle of the Korean people. He awoke to a new awareness of Korea after seeing the atrocities by the Imperialists.
He gradually shifted his attention from whale research and began paying attention to the Korean people, namely Hong, the laborer on the whale-hunting boat and his mute sister, as well as those living in the fishing town. As he became a witness to the suffering of the colonized Korean people, he began to sympathize with them and grew closer to them.
Meanwhile, the ruthlessness of the Japanese, who were involved in the whale-hunting activity in Korea, reached extreme levels. They viewed whale hunting as more than a means of their livelihood and worsened their discrimination against the Koreans. In the midst of it, an irrevocable incident took place at the hunting site. On the other hand, the Norwegian sailors employed by the Japanese had come all the way to a foreign country for no other reason than to make money.
Andrews, whose sole interest was the whale when he first arrived, became conflicted upon seeing the despicable conditions of the Koreans under colonialism, a microcosm of the world history, and underwent a transformation. With it, he embraced this conflict as an issue that he must resolve. How will he act henceforth?
This book that tells the story of Andrews’ actions and the hidden stories about the Korean gray whales merges history and literature to disclose the literary truth as well as exposing the state of world history in which the confrontations and conflicts are still very much ongoing.