게시물 상세

Korean Translator


Hyeon Jeong Lee






Hyeon Jeong Lee (she/her) is a freelance translator based in Champaign, Illinois, USA. She studied English Literature at Seoul National University and received her PhD in English at the University at Buffalo, USA. She was awarded a translation grant from the Literature Translation Institute of Korea for her English translation of Uhye Song’s White Bird, which she co-translated with Cynthia M. Childs. Lee also co-translated Sung-hee Yoon’s short story “The Duty of Loneliness” with Childs and published it in the Tammy Journal. Currently, she is writing a Korean-American history textbook with members of the Midwest Korean School Association. Lee’s major translation interests include literary fiction, academic pieces on Korean history or society, and literary criticism.







PhD in English, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
MA in English Literature, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
BA in English Language and Literature, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea




Translation Grant, Literature Translation Institute of Korea (2014)
Co-translation of Uhye Song’s White Bird


Published Translations
Saram Lee’s My Fair Star, Congbaht Publishing (2015)
Sung-hee Yoon’s “The Duty of Loneliness,” The Tammy Journal 4 (2014), Co-translated with Cynthia Childs


White Bird

My Fair Star

White Bird, My Fair Star



Other Works
Korean-American History Textbook for Youth by Midwest Korean School Association (forthcoming), Participated as a Korean editor and English translator
Translated The Ecology of Dinosaurs: A Comic Book by Do-Yoon Kim, Gallois, Hanbit Publishing
Wrote How to Get Lynn, an Almost Teenager, Ready for Bed (2021)
Translated Various promotional materials for overseas publication, as requested by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea (2010-2014) and the Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea


The Ecology of Dinosaurs: A Comic Book

How to Get Lynn, an Almost Teenager, Ready for Bed

The Ecology of Dinosaurs: A Comic Book, How to Get Lynn, an Almost Teenager, Ready for Bed




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